New build - negotiating extras etcProperty/DIY Part exchangeProperty/DIY What to offer on a new buildProperty/DIY New build negotiatingProperty/DIY Please create an account To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account.
Property/DIY Follow topic Start thread Join our Property forum for renovation, DIY, and house selling advice.Watch thread Flip 1 2 Extension 26 replies Fifiona291 · 17/12/2021 01:01 We bought a 3 bed semi a few months ago and cannot decide what extension to do first. We have ...
If you move house and would like to continue with pay-as-you-go energy, contact your supplier to arrange for your account to be transferred to the new property. You may need to settle any outstanding balance before disconnecting it. Ensure the new property has a compatible meter; otherwise,...
Property/DIY Follow topic Start thread Join our Property forum for renovation, DIY, and house selling advice.Watch thread Flip 1 2 What’s the obsession with F&B colours? 30 replies Loveflatwhite · 19/08/2023 23:06 Pointless thread but I really don’t understand the obsession with ...
Join our Property forum for renovation, DIY, and house selling advice. Watch threadFlip 16 replies ChickenBurgers ·10/07/2023 11:29 I’m really after some tips to get our house sold as I want out of this house. I hate it, it’s been three years and I hate it as much as the day...
Join our Property forum for renovation, DIY, and house selling advice. Watch threadFlip 17 replies Lottle ·09/09/2024 20:47 Hi Had our basin and bottle trap installed. Love it. But then there's these random extra silver bits I wasn't expecting! Going to ask my plumber tomorrow but tr...
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FURTHER OBSERVATION:- We note your response that the conservatory was built in 2001, the man hole is sealed but can still be accessed. Please confirm that the property and any outbuildings have not been built over or within 3m of an existing drainage run. If it has been built, we will ...
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The property market AIBU? To think it will soon become more normal for families to live in smaller houses AIBU? To buy a house AIBU? Are there just not many houses coming onto the market? Property/DIYPlease create an account To comment on this thread you need to create a Mum...