Chat Follow topic Start thread Join the discussion and meet other Mumsnetters on our free online chat forum.Watch thread Flip 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I struggle to get my head around the size of the Chinese property collapse & it's global consequences. 169 replies ...
Join the discussion and meet other Mumsnetters on our free online chat forum.Watch thread Flip Estate agent fees & not signing contract 3 replies Greeneggsandspamm · 25/10/2023 16:26 I have just sold my late father's property after a lot of aggro and time. There was a lot of ...
‘Avoiding harm to others’ considerations in relation to parental measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccination discussions–An analysis of an online chat forum Social Science & Medicine (2008) E. Brady et al. “Not the romantic, all happy, coochy coo experience”: A qualitative analysis of ...
Chat Follow topic Start thread Join the discussion and meet other Mumsnetters on our free online chat forum.Watch thread Flip 1 2 Converted public Inn , for property porn lovers. 30 replies justasking111 · 12/03/2021 22:20 Now and again I see houses that are unusual on here, I...
This is through an agency but the agency deny having anything to do with the property as they say it’s let only but agents from other departments (friends with the landlord) have come to the property even when the rent was only a day late. Any advice on how to deal with this as I...
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I wondered if anyone could give me some tips on how not to worry and stress about things and situations that haven't happened yet and may never happen...
For background, we sold our house last September; and reserved an off-plan new build. So far, it’s been delay after delay. I have DC2 due end of March...
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I'll answer any questions you have if I can 😁 I do love a Disney chat! Thanks. I’m all for good Disney chat. Is it really so lovely like it looks on the screen? Not the parks, but the resorts? What time of the year is best to go if you want to enjoy the pools ...