Class Diagram is the central language within UML. Its main problems involve correctness problems, which include the consistency and the finite satisfiability problems, and quality problems, which include the redundancy and incomplete design problems. Two central constraints in class diagrams are the ...
aggregation 和 composition,最容易為常人混淆。希望在這樣的解說之後,大家對於 Class diagram 所表示的 association 關係,就有正確的觀念以及有共同的解讀能力,這樣就能做到溝通的目的了。
In UML, multiplicity is the potential range of the number of items. We can apply multiplicity to attributes, operation arguments, and association ends. The UML metamodel also uses multiplicity to constrain the relationships among metamodels elements. The multiplicity ranges always include thecardinalit...
What is Class Diagram? association. Rolesarewritten attheendsofan association lineanddescribethepurpose played bythat...UMLidentifies fourtypesofvisibility: public, protected, private,andpackage.The+, -, #and 智能推荐 EA&UML日拱一卒-活动图::Structural Feature Actions(续) ...
In essence, this duplicates the role of the isActive attribute of a UML Class, but allows it to be applied at the more abstract level of a UML Classifier (as well as for the other base metaclasses of this stereotype.) Note that the lower multiplicity bound of each of these stereotype ...
Class Diagram is the central language within UML. Its main problems involve correctness problems, which include the consistency and the finite satisfiability problems, and quality problems, which include the redundancy and incomplete design problems. Two central constraints in class diagrams are the ...