面向对象分析(Object-Oriented Analysis, OOA)中的类图(Class Diagram)是UML(Unified Modeling Language)的一种图形表示法,用于展示系统中的类、接口、对象以及它们之间的静态结构和关系。类图是面向对象设计和开发中非常重要的一个环节,它帮助分析师和设计师理解问题域,设计出清晰、合理的软件结构。下面是类图的一些关键...
In software engineering, a class diagram in the Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a type of static structure diagram that describes the structure of a system by showing the system's classes, their attributes, operations (or methods), and the relationships among objects. 在软件工程中,类图在统一...
In software engineering, a class diagram in the Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a type of static structure diagram that describes the structure of a system by showing the system's classes, their attributes, operations (or methods), and the relationships among objects. 在软件工程中,类图在统一...
d) Aggregation:Also known as the “Has-a” relationship, is a special form of association relationship showing binary relationships (not more than two classes should be included). e) Composition:Also known as the Part-of relationship, it is a special case of aggregation that shows a two-way...
An attribute describes a range of values that instances of the class may hold.It's defined by a name and a type.Additionally,an attribute can have properties like visibility(to other classes),multiplicity,and initial value and a property-string that indicates property values. ...
Or a complex relationship - e.g. 0..1, 3..4, 6.* would mean any number of objects other than 2 or 5 Multiplicity Example Requirement: A Student can take many Courses and many Students can be enrolled in one Course. In the example below, theclass diagram(on the left), describes th...
Or a complex relationship - e.g. 0..1, 3..4, 6.* would mean any number of objects other than 2 or 5 Multiplicity Example Requirement: A Student can take many Courses and many Students can be enrolled in one Course. In the example below, the class diagram (on the left), describes...
An association indicates that objects of one class have a relationship with objects of another class, in which this connection has a specifically defined meaning (for example, “is flown with”). Multiplicity A multiplicity allows for statements about the number of objects that are involved in an...
The following diagram illustrates the difference between weak and strong aggregations. An address book is made up of a multiplicity of contacts and contact groups. A contact group is a virtual grouping of contacts; a contact may be included in more than one contact group. If you delete an add...
refers to a type of relationship wherein one associated class is a child of another by virtue of assuming the same functionalities of the parent class. In other words, the child class is a specific type of the parent class. To depict inheritance in a UML diagram, a solid line from the ...