There's no single test that can tell whether you have multiple sclerosis (MS), so it may take some time and multiple doctor visits to get a diagnosis. Doctors use a combination of physical exams, medical history questions, imaging tests, and laboratory tests to diagnose the condition. The ...
The first symptoms of multiple sclerosis often start between ages 20 and 40. Most people with MS have attacks, also called relapses, when the condition gets noticeably worse. They’re usually followed by times of recovery when symptoms improve. For other people, the disease continues to get wo...
Multiple sclerosis (MS) primarily affects young adults and is more common in women, among those of northern European ancestry, and among those in the extreme northern and southern latitudes. Patients with MS typically have a relapsing-remitting clinical course. Over time, relapses may become less...
There are two extremes in multiple sclerosis. The first is a "benign" syndrome in which patients have numerous lesions identified on MRI imaging, but have few -- if any -- symptoms, even decades after their diagnosis. At the opposite end of the spectrum is a condition identified as the Ma...
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an immune-mediated, inflammatory demyelinating disease of the central nervous system. The diagnosis mainly depends on the clinical findings and requires the integration of both clinical and paraclinical studies, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Periodic adjustments in...
Guest over a year ago Hi. My 12 yo daughter was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. She suffers from a tingling pain, fatigue, dizziness and she feels very weak. I doubt that she has MS anyway and would like to know how the diagnosis should be made? And on what base?
Multiple Sclerosis is a disease of he the central nervous system that interrupts the communication between the brain and the body. Keep reading to learn more about MS.
Although the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis relies on the demonstration of disease dissemination in space and time, the exclusion of other neurological disorders is also essential. The limited specificity of abnormalities disclosed by MRI may increase the likelihood of diagnosis of multiple sclerosis in...
Multiple sclerosis, progressive disease of the central nervous system involving destruction of the myelin sheath on certain nerve fibers, as a result of which the transmission of nerve impulses becomes impaired, particularly in pathways involving vision,
artificial intelligence; multiple sclerosis; machine learning; deep learning; diagnosis; magnetic resonance imaging (MRI); clinical data1. Introduction Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune chronic demyelinating disease that impacts the central nervous system (CNS). It is characterized mainly by ...