Anyone interested in MS, or in the more general question of functional recovery in neurological disease, should read this book."--BOOK JACKET.doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-738761-1.X5000-7S. WaxmanELSEVIERWaxman SG. Multiple sclerosis as a neuronal disease. Arch Neurol 2000a; 57: 22±4....
Multiple Sclerosis is a disease of he the central nervous system that interrupts the communication between the brain and the body. Keep reading to learn more about MS.
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic autoimmune disease that damages the protective covering around nerves in the brain and spinal cord due to inflammation. In areas of the brain and spinal cord affected by MS, signals transmitted across nerves are slowed or blocked, causing neurological symptoms ...
Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease in which immune cells attack and destroy the protective myelin sheaths that surround nerve fibres, leading to neurological disturbances. Latest Research and Reviews Siponimod supports remyelination in the non-supportive environment ...
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory-mediated demyelinating disease of the human central nervous system. The clinical disease course is variable, usually starts with reversible episodes of neurological disability in the third or fourth decade of life, and transforms into a disease of continuous ...
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory-mediated demyelinating disease of the human central nervous system. The clinical disease course is variable, usually starts with reversible episodes of neurological disability in the third or fourth decade of life, and transforms into a disease of continuous ...
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, is a progressive neurological disorder that damages nerve cells and causes disability, as MS does. The exact causes of MS and ALS are not clearly understood, but genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors are believed ...
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a leading cause of neurological disability among young and middle-aged adults worldwide, and disability is measured using a variety of approaches, including patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) such as the Patient Determined Disease Steps (PDDS) scale. There is limi...
Multiple Sclerosis 01 Summary Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a rare autoimmune disease that affects the central nervous system (CNS). Normally, antibodies produced by the immune system help protect the body against viruses, bacteria, and other foreign substances...
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is thought to be an autoimmune disease; however, the exact cause is not known. Early signs and symptoms of MS are fatigue, bladder and bowel problems, vision problems, and numbness, tingling, or pain in certain areas of the body.