Plasmacytoma and Multiple MyelomaPlasmacytomaMultiple myelomaPOEMS syndromeRadiation therapyCNS myelomaIn this chapter, two challenging cases of plasma cell neoplastic diseases are presented. The first is a solitary plasmacytoma, diagnosed in a setting of POEMS syndrome (Dispenzieri, Am J Hematol 89(2)...
多发性骨髓瘤是最常见的原发性恶性骨肿瘤。它占所有癌症的1%。它发生在美国每年约20,000人。多发性骨髓瘤是每年造成10,000名美国人死亡的原因。 "多发性骨髓瘤(MM)是一种在骨髓中的浆细胞异常增生的恶性疾病浆细胞是构成人体免疫系统的成分...
Primary Plasmacytoma of The Testis with no Evidence of Multiple Myeloma a New Case Report and Literature Review .pdf 热度: Multiple myeloma - definition 热度: Pulmonary hypertension and multiple myeloma - Science… 热度: DRKARANUJK Mostcommonprimarymalignancyofbone ...
multiple myelomaneurological complicationneuropathyneurotoxicityplasmacytomaPOEMSNeurologic complications in plasma cell malignancies are frequently seen in the practice of neuro-oncology, involving areas such as the peripheral and central nervous system. These can be the first symptoms, leading to the diagnosis...
A case of relapsed renal plasmacytoma after complete remission of multiple myeloma Authors: SH Kim, ES Kim, JW Hur … Solitary Extramedullary Plasmacytoma Presenting as Asymptomatic Palatal Erythroplakia: Report of a Case Authors: Francesca Lalla, Alessandro Vinciguerra, Alessandra Lissoni … Extramedull...
Testicular plasmacytoma: report of a case and review of the literature Plasmacytomas of the testis are rare neoplasias; they may occur as isolated tumors or in concomitance with generalized multiple myeloma. We report the case... G Anghel,N Petti,D Remotti,... - 《American Journal of Hem...
Plasma cell neoplasms (PCN) encompass a range of diseases ranging from indolent to aggressive. They include monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) (67%), multiple myeloma (14%), solitary plasmacytoma of the bone or extraosseous tissue (3%), primary amyloidosis (9%), immunoglobul...
The diagnosis was delayed for a month in view of the lack of clinical suspicion of multiple myeloma in a young patient and scant biochemical expression of non-secretory type of multiple myeloma. 展开 关键词: Multiple Myeloma Plasmacytoma
Solitary plasmacytoma Smoldering multiple myeloma (SMM) Symptomatic MM Radiation therapy is the primary therapy for solitary plasmacytoma with or without marrow involvement. Surgery may be required if the lesion causes structural instability or neurologic compromise. [2] Active surveillance or watchful...
Table 7. Uniform response criteria for multiple myeloma Stringent complete response (sCR)CR as defined below plus Normal FLC ratio and Absence of clonal cells in bone marrow Complete response Negative immunofixation on serum and urine and Disappearance of any soft tissue plasmacytomas and ≤5% plasm...