@EtteryWe in my team had the same problems. The projects builds fine in the terminal, but fails with "Failed the read etc " in VSCode. For us it seems the problems was this. VScodes maven integration tries to fetch the maven resources plugin, 3.3.0 (which something in the maven vsco...
IVsQueryEditQuerySave2 IVsQueryEditQuerySave3 IVsRefactorNotify IVsReference IVsReferenceManager IVsReferenceManager2 IVsReferenceManagerUser IVsReferenceManagerUserReloadRequired IVsReferenceProviderContext IVsRegisterDataSourceFactories IVsRegisterEditors IVsRegisterNewDialogFilters IVsRegisterPrefetchP...
/appdata/vscode/**/* is telling the filter to ignore eveything under /appdata/vscode/ (the /* at the end is doen't matter, the /** before already ignores eveything) edit, well, /**/ ignores only dirs, /* ignores dirs and files, so techinically you ignore all subdirs, to then...
When usingVisual Studio Code, environment variables can be set in the.vscode/launch.jsonfile. The following example sets severalenvironment variables for Host configuration values: JSON {"version":"0.2.0","configurations": [ {"name":".NET Core Launch (web)","type":"coreclr", // Configurati...
re using the sameisolateAsvalue in their.vscode/tasks.jsonfiles. This value is the prefix that Bridge to Kubernetes uses to direct traffic for an isolated service. By default, when configuring them, they will have different values. You can choose one of the values and hand-edit thetasks....
You can choose one of the values and hand-edit the tasks.json files for the other services to give them all the same value. JSON Kopiraj "tasks": [ { "label": "bridge-to-kubernetes.service", "type": "bridge-to-kubernetes.service", "service": "service-name", "ports": [ 3000 ...
VS Code stores debugging configurations in a launch.json file inside a .vscode directory in your project. Open the Run and Debug pane, click create a launch.json file, and choose the Node.js environment to generate this file. An example configuration is provided: VS Code debugger configuration...
One thing I use in VSCode that I miss when I’m in Codemix is multiple cursors. I know eclipse has column selection but I find it is not adequate compared to the VSCode functionality. Is this something that could possibly be brought over to Codemix? August 12, 2019 at 3:02 am #620...
Start Visual Studio Code, select Dev Containers: Open Folder in Container... from the Command Palette (F1) or quick actions Status bar item, and select the ./Repos/python folder. Tip: If you want to edit the container's contents or settings before opening the folder, you can run Dev ...
Would also like to see this functionality as it’s a pretty basic feature in VSCode. 0 Nov 08, 2018 12:34 AM KM Karl Metum A better description to this feature would be this one:https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/getstarted/tips-and-tricks#_multi-cursor-selecti...