Car advertisementCritical discourse analysisMultimodal discourse analysisSemiotic analysisCritical discourse analysis (CDA) has an interest in concepts like communication patterns in public institutions, media discourse (reports, advertisements discourse, television broadcasts etc.), the constitution of individual...
商业广告的多模态话语分析——以iphone手机为例-multimodal discourse analysis of commercial advertisements - taking iphone as an example 内蒙内蒙古师范大学硕士学位论文万方数据万方数据中 文摘要 语言,一直是语言学以及话语分析的中心。随着语言学的向前发 展推移,与其他学科的交叉交汇成为不可避免的研究趋势。随之...
advertisements, newspapers and websites, are carefully designed. A photograph of a soldier, an advertisement for a car, a magazine cover or the opening titles to a news programme are thought out to create the appropriate effect. Designers use semiotic tools such as colour, framing, focus, posit...
such as print advertisements (Feng and Wu,2022; Pérez-Hernandez,2019; Pérez-Sobrino,2016) and cartoons (Abdel-Raheem,2023; Bounegru and Forceville,2011; El Refaie,2013), during the initial stages. However, they have overlooked the examination of the dynamic ...