Antenna arraysHigh frequencyDipole antennasResonanceBandwidthGainElectrical impedanceAn experimental analysis in the 2 MHz frequency range is performed on a multiband HF antenna which contains a two, three, or four dipole array. The antenna design equations and bandwidths are determined. The effects of...
A multiband chip antenna for a mobile communication terminal is provided to easily tune an antenna and to extend bandwidth by coupling two radial members through each inductor member and capacitor member. In a multiband chip antenna for a mobile communication terminal, a first radial member(10) ha...
The present invention relates to an HF UHF multiband RFID tag antenna comprising: an UHF tag antenna (10), and an HF tag antenna (20). The UHF tag antenna (10) includes: a left side antenna pole (11); a left side meander line (12) which is connected to the left side antenna pole...
A multiband wire antenna for use at HFNo AbstractAustin, B. A.COLLOQUIUM DIGEST- IEE
The proposed antenna is an S-shaped strip connected with a notched rectangle loop radiation patch with a ground plane, and there is a slot in the ground plane. The two lower bands are achieved by the rectangle loop patch and the higher band is achieved by the slot in the ground plane. ...
International Workshop on Antenna TechnologyH. F. AbuTarboush, R. Nilavalan, K. Nasr, H. Al-Raweshidy, D. Budimir, and M. Alexander, "A compact printed antenna for multi- band wireless applications," presented at the Int. Workshop on Antenna Technology, 2010....
W. Cheung, "Multiband Inverted-F Antenna with Independent Bands for Small and Slim Cellular Mobile Handsets," IEEE Transaction on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 59, No.7, 2011.Abutarboush, H.F., Nilavalan, R., Peter, T., et al.: `Multiband inverted-F antenna with independent bands for...
Propagation loss from the target sm to the receiver rj at the working frequency fn; Ar,n: Receiving antenna effective area at the working frequency fn; Gn: Processing gain at the working frequency fn; Ls,n: Hardware system loss at the working frequency fn; N0,n: Noise power at the worki...