A multiband wire antenna for use at HFNo AbstractAustin, B. A.COLLOQUIUM DIGEST- IEE
Strip AntennaMultiband AntennaNumerical Electromagnetic Code (NECWiMAXWLANThis paper presents a wire type multiband strip antenna for WiMAX and WLAN operations by means of numerical simulations. The dimension of the antenna is 39脳30 mm2 and provides an impedance bandwidth of 300 MHz (2350-2650 MHz...
Why then would anyone want to even consider a horizontal wire antenna when it needs an ASTU in order to cover the same bands? Apart from this and a lack of all round coverage the horizontal antenna does have advantages, namely cheap home construction, reduced EMC problems and significantly ...
This is basically achieved by a switchable input structure (24), through the input structure may be unnecessary resonance printed line structure of the antenna (21; 22) and the HF line or a ground line (242) is isolated. 特别在一个实施例中,在基底(10)上施加多个谐振印刷线结构,借助于一个或...
So in this letter, we have investigated a multiband meandered miniaturized patch antenna with the use of split ring resonator (SRR) and thin wire arrays. SRR are promising building blocks for negative permeability metamaterials and thin wire arrays for negative permittivity. By combining SRR arrays...