多尺度Retinex算法是指求R(x,y)的时候,不是只使用一个高斯模糊核的结果了,而是使用多个不同的高斯核进行模糊,对每个不同的高斯模糊的结果进行加权相加得到最终的结果。发布于 2024-04-29 11:29・IP 属地江西 机器学习 深度学习(Deep Learning) Torch (深度学习框架) ...
在图像处理领域,传统的Retinex算法通常依赖单一的高斯模糊核来估计场景中的照明和反射。然而,多尺度Retinex算法,也称为MSR(Multi Scale Retinex),引入了一种创新的方法。它并非局限于单一尺度,而是采用多个不同尺度的高斯核进行图像模糊处理。MSR方法的关键在于,每个高斯核会捕捉图像的不同细节层次。通...
Multi-scale retinex for color image enhancement[C] //Proceedings of the 1996 International Conference on Image Processing. Lausanne: IEEE Signal Processing Society Press, 1996:1003-1006. [DOI:10.1109/ICIP.1996.560995]Multi-scale retinex for color image enhancement. Rahman Z U,Jobson D J,Woodell G...
1) multi-scale Retinex 多尺度Retinex算法 2) multi-scale 多尺度 1. Numerical simulation ofmulti-scalethree-phase flows in a Sequencing Batch Reactor; 序批式反应器内多尺度三相流动的数值模拟 2. Multi-scale characteristics of EEG signal of epileptic children in absence seizures; ...
应用改进的多尺度Retinex增强算法,对低能见度的红外图像进行图像增强,提高了原图像的对比度和像质,得到了目标区域的最佳视觉效果。 2. The paper proposes image enhancement bymulti-scale Retinexfor signal depth of field which has the character of low contrast,little of available message and low of differe...
替代传统的灰度变换函数,对图像做不同尺度的Retinex变换,并分解重复的频带信息,对各个独立的频带分别进 行增强。然后引入图像融合的思想,将不同尺度Retinex图像的每个像素点都赋予不同的权重。最后得到输出图 像。实验结果证明,本算法可有效增强图像的对比度,得到的图像清晰度高,色彩恢复好。 关键词:MSR;子带分解;混...
The retinex is a human perception-based image processing algorithm which provides color constancy and dynamic range compression. We have previously reported on a single-scale retinex (SSR) and shown that it can either achieve color/lightness rendition or dynamic range compression, but not both simult...
An algorithm is proposed to solve the problem that the results of multi-scale Retinex with color restoration(MSRCR) are prone to have fuzzy detail and color distortion when it is used to separate lightness components.The proposed algorithm utilizes Retinex theory to divide the luminance into the ...
Two different implementation of the Multiscale Retinex algorithm for image enhancement based on Petro, A. B., Sbert, C., & Morel, J. M. (2014). Multiscale retinex. Image Processing On Line, 71-88. The first one use an exponential downscaling by 'scalefactor' until 'scalefactor^nscale'...