应用改进的多尺度Retinex增强算法,对低能见度的红外图像进行图像增强,提高了原图像的对比度和像质,得到了目标区域的最佳视觉效果。 2. The paper proposes image enhancement bymulti-scale Retinexfor signal depth of field which has the character of low contrast,little of available message and low of differe...
Retinex理论 多尺度Retinex算法 直方图拉伸 简牍图像Enhancement of the JianDu Image is a key procedure in character reconstruction and text extraction.We made the JianDu relics from Changsha Jiandu museum as a model and taken the JianDu images as our research objects.An enhancement algorithm of Jian...
While the retinex theory aimed at explaining human color perception, its derivations have led to efficient algorithms enhancing local image contrast, thus permitting among other features, to "see in the shadows". Among these derived algorithms, Multiscale Retinex is probably the most successful center...
M. (2014). Multiscale retinex. Image Processing On Line, 71-88. The first one use an exponential downscaling by 'scalefactor' until 'scalefactor^nscale', this has the advantage of speed up the algorithm for large image but produces more halo artifacts. The second one take as input the ...
单词(multiscale retinex)1.【derivations】[,derɪ'veɪʃn]衍生,衍生物its derivations 2.【ambiguities】[,æmbi'gju:iti]歧义some ambiguities 3.【formulate】['fɔ:mjuleɪt]制定,公式化formulate the implementation of…4.【validity】[və'lɪdəti]有效性the validity of…5.【...
Extensive testing of the multiscale retinex with color restoration on several test scenes and over a hundred images did not reveal any pathological behaviour. 展开 关键词: image colour analysis image representation image restoration visual perception color consistency color images color rendition color ...
Multiscale retinex(MSR)処理においrnて,オフセットパラメータを画素ごとに可変にした手rn法を提案する.MSRが本来有している暗部の視認性rn改善効果のみならず,提案手法では自然な印象をも付rn与されることを変換実験を通して示す. 机译:在多尺度retinex(MSR)处理中,我们提出了一种手动方法,其中...
This paper proposes an improved Retinex theory based on a weighted guided filter method to enhance images in low-light conditions. The captured images under low illumination can cause dimness, distortion or details loss. We use the weighted guided filter method to perform illumination estimation and...
using namespace std; using namespace cv; cv::Mat multiScaleSharpen(cv::Mat Src, int Radius) { int rows = Src.rows; int cols = Src.cols; int cha = Src.channels(); cv::Mat B1, B2, B3; GaussianBlur(Src, B1, Size(Radius, Radius), 1.0, 1.0);//高斯模糊 ...
论文的核心思想类似于Retinex,使用了三个尺度的高斯模糊,再和原图做减法,获得不同程度的细节信息,然后通过一定的组合方式把这些细节信息融合到原图中,从而得到加强原图信息的能力。值得一提的就是对D1的系数做了特殊的处理,算法的编码简单、效果明显。 对应的python实现 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import cv2 imp...