多尺度目标检测 Multiscale Object Detection 多尺度目标检测Multiscale Object Detection 我们在输入图像的每个像素上生成多个锚框。这些定位框用于对输入图像的不同区域进行采样。但是,如果锚定框是以图像的每个像素为中心生成的,很快就会有太多的锚框供我们计算。例如,我们假设输入图像的高度和宽度分别为561和728像素。
Object detectionYOLOv5Attention mechanismUnmanned aerial vehicles are increasingly popular due to their ease of operation, low noise, and portability. However, existing object detection methods perform poorly in detecting small targets in densely arranged, sparsely distributed aerial images. To tackle this...
Finally, it generates the feature pyramid by the fused feature map to achieve multi-scale object detection. In addition, we design a default box matching concession method which enables to train the real targets, and increases the number of positive samples. The experiments show that FFDN has ...
下一步还是要着重了解下 YOLO 网络的结构,以及他们的改动方式。 资料:https://medium.com/the-downlinq/you-only-look-twice-multi-scale-object-detection-in-satellite-imagery-with-convolutional-neural-38dad1cf7571 https://github.com/CosmiQ/yolt
Object detection is considered one of the main tasks in computer vision and finds wide application in various fields, including medical imaging, face detection, object recognition, and many others. With the advent of AI, most contemporary object detection approaches rely on CNN methods such as Fast...
深度学习论文: You Only Look Twice: Rapid Multi-Scale Object Detection In Satellite Imagery及其PyTorch实现 https://arxiv.org/abs/1805.09512.pdf PyTorch: https://github.com/shanglianlm0525/PyTorch-Networks...
Multi-scale Interactive Network for Salient Object Detection CVPR20 摘要 本文提出MINet。在编码器中使用聚合交互模块AIM(aggregate interaction modules)来聚合相邻level的特征,由于仅使用小的up/down采样率,引入了很少噪声。在解码器中使用自交互模型SIM(self-interaction module)来利用multi-scale特征。
In this paper, we propose a novel Adaptive Zoom (AdaZoom) network as a selective magnifier with flexible shape and focal length to adaptively zoom the focus regions for object detection. Based on policy gradient, we construct a reinforcement learning framework for focus region generation, with ...
You Only Look Twice: Rapid Multi-Scale Object Detection In Satellite Imagery As of 24 October 2018 YOLT has been superceded by SIMRDWN YOLT is an extension of the YOLO v2 framework that can evaluate satellite images of arbitrary size, and runs at ~50 frames per second. Current applications ...
【3D目标检测】Voxel-FPN: multi-scale voxel feature aggregation in 3D object detection from point cloud解读 神马嘴脸 3 人赞同了该文章 前言 1. 为什么要做这个研究?目前基于体素的3D目标检测多为从单一尺度的体素中提取体素特征信息,再进行检测,而作者提出了一种密集聚合结构,以自底向上的方式从多尺度编码...