Multi-scale context aggregation by dilated convolutions——通过膨胀卷积进行多尺度上下文信息的聚合 我读完这篇论文感觉可以概括的分为:提出了 膨胀卷积膨胀卷积 、运用膨胀卷积进行了多尺度预测、设置了一个Front-end(然后将其和multi-scale部分相结合) Abstract The idea of Dilated Convolution is come from the ...
Multi-scale context aggregation: The basic context module has 7 layers that apply 3×3 convolutions with different dilation factors. The dilations are 1, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, and 1。 这里主要通过不同的 different dilation factors 得到 multi-scale context。 注意这里的 context module 参数初始化是...
对于移除的池化层后接的卷积层的dilation factor扩大2倍。因此,最后一层的卷积层的的dilated factor扩大为4。通过空洞卷积,可以利用原始分类网络的参数初始化,同时产生更高分辨率的输出。该模型,在Pascal VOC2012数据集上进行训练,基于SGD优化方法,mini-batch 大小为14,学习率为1e-3,动量大小为0.9,迭代60000次。 实...
对于移除的池化层后接的卷积层的dilation factor扩大2倍。因此,最后一层的卷积层的的dilated factor扩大为4。通过空洞卷积,可以利用原始分类网络的参数初始化,同时产生更高分辨率的输出。该模型,在Pascal VOC2012数据集上进行训练,基于SGD优化方法,mini-batch 大小为14,学习率为1e-3,动量大小为0.9,迭代60000次。 实...
Multi-scale contextFlexible segmentation graphFeature extractionClassificationUsing contextual information for scene labeling has gained substantial attention in the fields of image processing and computer vision. In this paper, a fusion model using flexible segmentation graph (FSG) is presented to explore ...
本文为北京交通大学和新加坡国立大学合作的一篇显著性检测的文章, 作者为Zun Li1, Congyan Lang1, Yunpeng Chen2, Jun Hao Liew2, Jiashi Feng2,文章地址为:[1901.08362] Deep Reasoning with Multi-scale Context for Salient Object Detection 1 基础
In this paper, we propose a multi-scale context extractor network, termed as MSCENet, for delineating water-bodies from high-resolution optical remotely sensed images. The MSCENet mainly contains three key parts: a multi-scale feature encoder, a feature decoder, and a context feature extractor ...
To address this problem, we propose a multi-scale context-attention network (MC-Net). The key idea is to explore the useful information across multiple scales and the context for the segmentation of objects of medical interest. Through the introduction of multi-scale and context-attention modules...
[29]: F. Yu and V. Koltun, “Multi-scale context aggregation by dilated convolutions,” arXiv preprint arXiv:1511.07122, 2015. [30]: Y. Niu, Y. Geng, X. Li, and F. Liu, “Leveraging stereopsis for saliency analysis,” in CVPR, 2012, pp. 454-461. ...
Method and system for inversion of detail-in-context presentations with folding A method is for inverting a distorted surface presentation into an undistorted surface presentation in a detail-in-context presentation system including the steps of: selecting an input point on the undistorted surface; cal...