Firstly, a multi-scale pyramid fusion module is designed to reconstruct the skip connection and transmit global information to the decoder. Secondly, the contextural information conduction module is innovatively added to the top of the encoder. The module provides different receptive ...
一、ready 论文:Multi-Scale Progressive Fusion Network for Single Image Deraining 论文下载:
【CVPR2020】Multi-Scale Progressive Fusion Network for Single Image Deraining 论文代码 论文指出当前图像去雨方法的问题是:their single-scale frameworks can hardly capture the inherent correlations of rain streaks across scales. 同时,作者用一个图来说明 co...
To overcome the limitations of low resolution or low quality for scene depth maps captured by consumer depth cameras, a scene depth map super-resolution network CMSFN is proposed based on channel multi-scale fusion which is guided by the
The proposed multi-scale context-aware network, CA-Net, is extended from U-Net and consists of four components, namely encoder module, multi-scale context fusion (MCF) module, decoder module, and dense skip connection module. The overall architecture of CA-Net is demonstrated in Fig. 2. Spec...
DoubleU-NetPlus: a novel attention and context-guided dual U-Net with multi-scale residual feature fusion network for semantic segmentation of medical images 2023, Neural Computing and Applications View all citing articles on ScopusMeng Lou received the B.E. degree in electrical engineering and its...
We further introduce a mask-guided refinement module(MGRM) to complement the high-level semantic features and reduce the irrelevant features from multi-scale fusion, leading to an overall refinement of detection. Experiments on five challenging benchmarks demonstrate that the proposed method outperform...
CVPR2020论文:Multi-Scale Progressive Fusion Network for Single Image Deraining 1.主要内容:提出了多尺度渐进融合网络。实现了单幅图像去雨。该网络通过金字塔表示的方式,利用多尺度图像信息呈现雨纹特征。 例如,右边是原始尺度图像,左边是1/2尺度图像。文章指出,同一个尺度图像中,不同位置的雨纹具有相似的结构特征...
Recently, semantic segmentation has become an emerging research area in computer vision due to a strong demand for autonomous vehicles, robotics, video surveillance, and medical image processing. To address this demand, several real-time semantic segment
The implementation of IEEE JSTARS 2023 paper "Multi-scale Adaptive Fusion Network for Hyperspectral Image Denoising" Results Comparison of Quantitative Indicators Comparison of Visual Quality Configuration Python =3.6.8, PyTorch = 1.9.0 Requirements: listed inrequirements.txt ...