Multi-Agent Graph-Attention Communication and Teaming ( 多智能体图注意力通信 解决的问题:利用共享信息来降低沟通开销的成本 MARL 中的大多数先前工作未能捕捉到智能体之间的复杂关系,从而导致性能低下和通信效率低下。虽然IC3Net和SchedNet能够有效...
LangGraph并非一个独立于Langchain的新框架,它是基于Langchain之上构建的一个扩展库,可以与Langchain现有的链、LCEL等无缝协作。LangGraph能够协调多个Chain、Agent、Tool等共同协作来完成输入任务,支持LLM调用“循环”以及Agent过程的更精细化的控制。 LangGraph的实现方式是把之前基于AgentExecutor的黑盒调用过程用一种新...
它直接陷入了死循环,并且开始两个agent的自问自答,这当然符合设计的初衷【让两个agent去相互合作,最终返回一个有效的答案==>图片】。 但事实上,这两个agent自问自答的逻辑性非常低,并且出现了调用【搜索工具】,去在tavily_search中执行"input": "{'query': '最近的天气怎么样'}"。 此时,...
LangGraph并非一个独立于Langchain的新框架,它是基于Langchain之上构建的一个扩展库,可以与Langchain现有的链、LCEL等无缝协作。LangGraph能够协调多个Chain、Agent、Tool等共同协作来完成输入任务,支持LLM调用“循环”以及Agent过程的更精细化的控制。 LangGraph的实现方式是把之前基于AgentExecutor的黑盒调用过程用一种新...
We propose a novel multi-agent reinforcement learning algorithm, Multi-Agent Graph-attentIon Communication (MAGIC), with a graph-attention communication protocol in which we learn 1) a Scheduler to help with the problems of when to communicate and whom to address messages to, and 2) a Message ...
The agents share a global view of the explored parts of the graph. The cost of the exploration has to be minimized, where cost either describes the time needed for the entire exploration (time model), or the length of the longest path traversed by any agent (energy model). We investigate...
We consider a multiagent extension of single-agent graph col- oring. Multiple agents hold disjoint autonomous subgraphs of a global graph, and every color used by the agents in coloring the graph has associated cost. In this multiagent graph color- ing scenario, we seek a minimum legal colori...
Official Repository of "GraphTeam: Facilitating Large Language Model-based Graph Analysis via Multi-Agent Collaboration". - BUPT-GAMMA/GraphTeam
摘要: This paper studies bipartite consensus problems for continuous-time multi-agent system over signed directed graphs. We consider general linear agents and design both state feedback... 查看全部>>关键词: bipartite consensus multi-agent system signed graph ...
ICLR2024:Learning Multi-Agent Communication from Graph Modeling Perspective 城北 3 人赞同了该文章 一、研究目标 (一)存在问题 在人工智能应用的广泛领域中,众多智能体的合作是实现既定目标的关键。为了提升这些智能体间的协同工作效能,通常会采用分布式通信框架。尽管如此,全面的信息共享往往对资源的要求很高,而手...