MultiMatchQuery的流程 以下是使用MultiMatchQuery的查询流程图: 创建SearchRequest对象创建SearchSourceBuilder对象创建MultiMatchQuery对象设置查询条件执行查询 MultiMatchQuery的示例 假设我们有一个文档包含字段title和content,我们要搜索包含关键字“java”并且出现在title字段中的文档,可以使用MultiMatchQuery进行查询: MultiM...
MultiMatchQueryBuilder; import org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryBuilders; public class MultiMatchQueryExample { public static MultiMatchQueryBuilder createQuery() { // 定义多条件查询 return QueryBuilders.multiMatchQuery("搜索内容", "字段1", "字段2", "字段3") .fuzziness(Fuzziness.AUTO); // ...
1、条件match query查询 //条件查询match query@Testpublicvoidtest10()throwsUnknownHostException {//1、指定es集群 是固定的key值,my-application是ES集群的名称Settings settings = Settings.builder().put("", "my-application").build();//2.创建访问ES服务器的客户端TransportClient ...
.addTransportAddress(newTransportAddress(InetAddress.getByName(""),9300));//创建查询对象,查询title或者content包含设计的QueryBuilder qb = QueryBuilders.multiMatchQuery("设计","title","content");//执行查询SearchResponse sr = client.prepareSearch("index1") .setQuery(qb) .setSize(3)/...
多字段查询,比如查询 name 和 desc 字段包含单词 的 的文档。 # 多字段查询 GET /index_name/_search { "query":{ "multi_match":{ "query":"的", "fields":[ "name", "desc" ] } } } # 输出结果 { "took":25, "timed_out":false, ...
match 针对一个field做检索,multi_match 针对多个 field 进行检索。多个 field 对应一个text # 布尔match 查询 POST /sms-logs-index/_search { "query":{ "multi_match": { "query": "江苏", #指定 text "fields": ["province","smsContent"] #指定field } } } Java @Test void multiMatchQuery()...
"query": "bar 1", "fields": ["text","num"], "lenient": true } } } results in: "(text:bar) (text:1 | num:[1 TO 1])" while the equivalent multi-match just ignores thenumfield completely: "((text:bar text:1))" However, a multi-match query for just a number seems to wor...
Select a device from the Device Repository, where the useragent match string matches the UserAgent from the HTTP Header. If more than one device is returned, then choose the one with the longest useragent match string. If this result in exactly one device matched, then return the device. Do...
In multiline mode the expressions^and$match just after or just before, respectively, a line terminator or the end of the input sequence. By default these expressions only match at the beginning and the end of the entire input sequence. ...
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