✨ Support for a new display mode on the Data Grid with theList View feature, offering an extremely flexible way to render datasets and enabling developers to adapt how data is displayed across different screen sizes. list-view-feature.mp4 ⚛️ React 19 support 📚 Documentation improvements...
iOS平台原生支持从屏幕边缘右滑关闭 iOS平台可通过popGesture参数实现从屏幕边缘右滑关闭webview,参考5+规范,若想禁用该功能,可通过setStyle方法设置popGesture为none。 hbuilder中敲mheader生成的代码块,会自动生成带有返回导航箭头的标题栏,点击返回箭头可关闭当前页面,原因就是因为该返回箭头包含.mui-action-back类,代...
<img class="mui-icon" src="../img/i-find.png"/> <span class="mui-tab-label">发现</span> </a> <a class="mui-tab-item" href="html/setting.html"> <img class="mui-icon" src="../img/i-person.png"/> <span class="mui-tab-label">个人</span> </a> </nav> js部分: //...
MUI X: Build complex and data-rich applications using a growing list of advanced React components, like the Data Grid, Date and Time Pickers, Charts, and more! - mui-x/CHANGELOG.md at v7.24.0 · mui/mui-x
* 显示菜单菜单*/function openMenu() {if(!showMenu) {//侧滑菜单处于隐藏状态,则立即显示出来;//显示完毕后,根据不同动画效果移动窗体;menu.show('none',0, function() {switch(mode){case'main-move'://主窗体开始侧滑;main.setStyle({ left:'70%', ...
plus.webview.currentWebview().setStyle({ softinputMode: "adjustResize" // 弹出软键盘时自动改变webview的高度 }); html, body { height: 100%; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; overflow: hidden; -webkit-touch-callout: none; -webkit-user-select: none; } .mui-content { height: 100%; overflo...
.mui-pull-top-wrapper .mui-icon, .mui-pull-top-wrapper .mui-spinner { margin-top: 7px; } .mui-pull-top-wrapper .mui-icon.mui-reverse { /*-webkit-transform: rotate(180deg) translateZ(0);*/ } .mui-pull-bottom-tips { text-align: center; ...
Sets text font size. This extension requires the@tiptap/extension-text-stylepackage to be installed and itsTextStylemark to be included in yourextensions. Can be controlled with theMenuSelectFontSizecomponent. Commands setFontSize(): Set the text font size (usinga valid CSSfont-sizeproperty). ...
setTimeout(function(){ //下拉加载数据 //拼接朋友圈新信息字符串 var html="<ul class=\"mui-table-view\">"+ "<li class=\"mui-table-view-cell mui-media\" style=\"width: 100%;\">"+ "<img class=\"mui-media-object mui-pull-left\" src=\"../img/3.jpg\">"+ ...
Type '({ props: { variant: string; size?: undefined; }; style: { background: string; color: string; "& .MuiSvgIcon-root": { height: number; }; "&.MuiButton-icon": { paddingRight: number; paddingLeft: number; }; ... 8 more ...; "&.Mui-disabled": { ...; ...