Same changes as in @mui/x-data-grid@7.24.0, plus: [DataGridPro] Add test for column pinning with disabled column virtualization (#16196) @cherniavskii [DataGridPro] Fix width of right-pinned column group during resize (#16207) @cherniavskii @mui/x-data-grid-premium@7.24.0 Same change...
✨ Support for a new display mode on the Data Grid with theList View feature, offering an extremely flexible way to render datasets and enabling developers to adapt how data is displayed across different screen sizes. list-view-feature.mp4 ⚛️ React 19 support 📚 Documentation improvements...
* 显示菜单菜单*/function openMenu() {if(!showMenu) {//侧滑菜单处于隐藏状态,则立即显示出来;//显示完毕后,根据不同动画效果移动窗体;'none',0, function() {switch(mode){case'main-move'://主窗体开始侧滑;main.setStyle({ left:'70%', transition: { duration:150} });break;case'me...
1/**2* 选择列表插件3* varstion 2.0.04* by Houfeng5* Houfeng@DCloud.io6**/7.mui-pciker-list li, .mui-picker, .mui-picker-inner {box-sizing: border-box;overflow: hidden }.mui-picker {background-color: #fff;position: relative;height: 200px;border: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0, .1);...
<style type="text/css"> li { padding: 0em; border-bottom: 1px solid #eaeaea; } li:active { background: #f4f4f4; } .item { display: block; background: no-repeat right center url(...
.mui-pciker-list li,.mui-picker{box-sizing:border-box;list-style:none;overflow:hidden}.mui-picker{background-color:#ddd;position:relative;height:200px;border:1px solid rgba(0,0,0,.1);-webkit-user-select:none;user-select:none}.mui-dtpicker,.mui-poppicker{left:0;background-color:#eee;...
{ styleOverrides: { root: { fontSize: labelFontSize } } }, MuiOutlinedInput: { styleOverrides: { root: { "& > fieldset > legend": { fontSize: `calc(0.75 * ${labelFontSize})` } } } } } }); return ( <ThemeProvider theme={theme}> <TextField id="outlined-basic" label="Type...
Sets text font size. This extension requires the@tiptap/extension-text-stylepackage to be installed and itsTextStylemark to be included in yourextensions. Can be controlled with theMenuSelectFontSizecomponent. Commands setFontSize(): Set the text font size (usinga valid CSSfont-sizeproperty). ...
⚠️ Hasn’t been updated for 3+ years. Get it here BootstrapDash – Corona A sleek and sexy admin dashboard that is super easy to customize and set up. Based on the framework Bootstrap v4. Components that have been modified to fit the style of Corona React Admin and provide a ...
If the column type is 'singleSelect', you also need to set the valueOptions property in the respective column definition. These values are options used for filtering and editing. { field: 'country', type: 'singleSelect', valueOptions: ['United Kingdom', 'Spain', 'Brazil'] } Copy When ...