[Select] Set aria-required & aria-invalid on combobox instead of hidden input #44731 merged Dec 16, 2024 [core] Add latest-v5 tag to v5 releases #44757 merged Dec 13, 2024 [Material UI] Update overridesResolver return from object to array of styles #44752 merged Dec 13, 2024...
querySelector('input[name="style"]:checked'); var colorEl = document.querySelector('input[name="color"]:checked'); if (styleEl && colorEl) { var style = styleEl.value; var color = colorEl.value; segmentedControl.className = 'mui-segmented-control' + (style ? (' mui-...
let fn = Object.is; if (curr instanceof Array) { fn = arrayShallowCompare; } else if (curr instanceof Object) { fn = objectShallowCompare; } return fn(prev, curr); }; const createRefs = () => ({ state: null, equals: null, selector: null, args: null }) as any; // TODO...
Some column types require that their value have a specific type. The following are the native column types with their required value types: Column typeValue type 'string' (default) string 'number' number 'date' Date() object 'dateTime' Date() object 'boolean' boolean 'singleSelect' A value...
Selects <MenuSelectFontFamilyoptions={[{label:"Monospace",value:"monospace"},{label:"Serif",value:"serif"},]}aria-label="Font families"emptyLabel="Font family"tooltipTitle="Change font family"unsetOptionLabel="Reset"/> <MenuSelectFontSizearia-label="Font sizes"tooltipTitle="Change font size"...
Select the pageSize dynamically using the component UI. Type:Array<number| { label: string, value: number }> Default:[25, 50, 100] paginationMeta The extra information about the pagination state of the Data Grid. Only applicable with paginationMode="server". Type:{ hasNextPage?: bool } pa...
//self.countriesDict = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:path]; //得到所有的省份名(key值) //self.provinceArray = [self.countriesDict allKeys]; //得到省份下对应的所有的城市(value值) //self.selectedArray = [self.countriesDict objectForKey:[[self.countriesDict allKeys] objectAtIndex...
- (void)pickerView:(UIPickerView *)pickerView didSelectRow:(NSInteger)row inComponent:(NSInteger)component; @end 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 演示一:制作简单的万年历,一开始就显示当前日期 源码如下: ...
[pickers] Reset fields internal state when pasting value (#9385) @alexfauquette @mui/x-date-pickers-pro@6.9.0 Same changes as in@mui/x-date-pickers@6.9.0. Charts /@mui/x-charts@6.0.0-alpha.0 [charts] Allow to customize colors based on the theme mode (#9006) @alexfauquette ...