.industries)\n : []\n }\n multiple\n disableCloseOnSelect\n options={companyIndustryTypes}\n getOptionLabel={(option) => option.name}\n onChange={(event, values) => {\n onChange(values)\n }}\n renderInput={(params) => (\n <TextField\n {...params}\n label="Type d\'...
Select:下拉框本身,绑定状态和变更事件。 MenuItem:每个选项组件,代表一个 selectable item。 4. 多选下拉框 MUI 下拉框还支持多选功能,使用multiple属性来实现。 constMultipleSelect=()=>{const[values,setValues]=React.useState([]);consthandleChange=(event)=>{const{target:{value},}=event;setValues(typeo...
<FormControl size='small'> <InputLabel id="demo-simple-select-label"> Groups </InputLabel> <Select variant='outlined' labelId="demo-simple-select-label" id="demo-simple-select" multiple value={formState.values.groups} onChange={handleChange} input={<OutlinedInput label="Groups" />} label...
TextField/Select contrast color #21861 closed Dec 12, 2024 Theme overrides : width does not exist on type CSSProperties #21650 closed Dec 12, 2024 [theme] Should we keep the light and dark palette color values? #21371 closed Dec 12, 2024 [Stepper] Support reverse vertical stepper...
</Select> </Grid> <Grid item> <TextField size='small' type="text" variant="standard" value={value} onChange={handleValueChange} disabled={!selectedOperator} placeholder="请输入值(多值空格分割)" /> </Grid> <Grid item> <Button disabled={!canDelete} style={{ marginTop: '8px' }} siz...
If true, the density selector is disabled. Type:bool Default:false disableEval If true, eval() is not used for performance optimization. Type:bool Default:false disableMultipleRowSelection If true, multiple selection using the Ctrl/CMD or Shift key is disabled. The MIT DataGrid will ignore thi...
Get the id and the model of the top level rows accessible after the filtering process. gridFilteredTopLevelRowCountSelectorGet the amount of top level rows accessible after the filtering process. gridQuickFilterValuesSelectorGet the current quick filter values....
controlsstring[]optionalList of controls to display in the main toolbar. If not provided, all controls will be rendered. Current available values are: "title", "bold", "italic", "underline", "strikethrough", "highlight", "undo", "redo", "link", "media", "numberList", "bulletList",...
@mui/material@5.14.11 [Autocomplete] Re-exportAutocompleteValueto make it available from path import (#38638) @vadimka123 [Select][material-ui] Missing aria-multiselectable attribute on multiple Select component (#38855) @gitstart [l10n] labelDisplayedRows is added for trTR localization (#3905...
🎁 Fix CSV export for values containing double quotes 🚀 Improve tree data performance 🐞 Bugfixes 📚 Documentation improvements Data Grid @mui/x-data-grid@v6.10.1 [DataGrid] Filtering performance: compile filter applier witheval(#9635) @romgrk ...