WOE is represented 3 times and in all 3 cases it is the burn spells that did well. Torch the Tower Flick a Coin and Cut In formed a diverse base for controlling creatures of all sizes, which was a very strong point of red in that format. All of them played out very differently, ha...
It has a plethora of burn spells that deal two or three damage, which is the height that most burn spells can do that are easy to cast. Monastery Swiftspear is the main cornerstone of the strategy as its haste and prowess can give it big burst damage. Soul-Scar Mage is great for hel...
Two damage to any target is back in Standard for the cheap cost of one Red mana throughShock. Aggro and Burn decks can use the Instant best. Shock was originally printed throughStronghold. It’s one of the bestMagicInstant spells against Aggro decks, and I’m happy to have it back in ...
Burn spells also give you good reach which enables you to finish off the opponent from a low life total, even if they manage to take out all of your creatures. Reckless Charge and Slickshot Show-Off gives the deck a huge amount of speed since you can force a lot of damage through ...
Burn Spells As you’d expect there are multiple burn spells in a red deck. Contrary to what they do in purely aggro shells, here you will frequently aim them at creatures to buy yourself more time and protect planeswalkers. Let’s see what we’re working with. ...
Burn is a classic red aggro deck that’s relatively inexpensive and easy to learn. With this deck, you’re aiming to deal as much direct damage to your opponent as possible with cheap red spells likeLightning BoltandLava Spike. You can also throw in a few creatures for the same effect ...
Mono-Red Aggro:Everyone’s favorite deck loses plenty of key components but that won’t stop anyone from just replacing them with more burn spells and throwing them at your face until you’re crying to your parent and/or guardian for burn ointment. Let’s throw a decklist together and see...
Especially aggressive decks will never allow you to get to this stage of the game, effectively making all of your card draw spells and mana intensive cards completely useless. Any meta that's home to a lot of haste creatures, burn spells, or generally quicker matches will be a hostile envir...
It's time for LRR MTG with your friends Adam and Kathleen, and they're here to draft red blue spells until the hurting stops. 2023-08-31 Throne of Eldraine Streamer Event Link James, Adam, and Graham are live all day long for the #MTGEldraine Streamer Event on LRRMTG. We promise...
MTG Aggro The name ‘MTG Aggro’ comes from the word ‘aggressive’, and these decks are most powerful in the early stages of a Magic game. While slower decks are setting up combos or building a mana base, Aggro decks are busy dropping cheap creatures and burn spells. You win by dealing...