Burn spells also give you good reach which enables you to finish off the opponent from a low life total, even if they manage to take out all of your creatures. Reckless Charge and Slickshot Show-Off gives the deck a huge amount of speed since you can force a lot of damage through ...
WOE is represented 3 times and in all 3 cases it is the burn spells that did well. Torch the Tower Flick a Coin and Cut In formed a diverse base for controlling creatures of all sizes, which was a very strong point of red in that format. All of them played out very differently, ha...
Removal spells and burn spells are always great ways to take out any creature as well. An opponent wants to be aggressive when they have creatures with first strike, so to counter this threat you just need to build enough defenses, use removal, or use combat tricks to slow them down. Wha...
This lets you play powerful spells before you’re “supposed” to be able to. As early as turn one, if you have multiple copies of Black Ritual in your hand you can generate five mana with two of them to cast something powerful before your opponent even has the opportunity to do ...
and while blue-black is top dog currently, it wouldn’t take much forGolgari Midrangeto unseat it. Like most midrange decks, it pairs aggressively statted creatures that can beat down, with ways to generate value over a longer game, whether that’s casting spells from the graveyard, or dra...
Weaknesses: Specific hate cards are less likely to be an issue in best of 1 but some decks like Rakdos Burn with Roiling Vortex can still afford to run them. Additionally both discard spells and counterspells are very effective ways of keeping you off your combo plan so control and black ...
Key to the Archiveis bonkers, especially in a competitive control deck. Note how the artifact can cover the colored mana forof these spells, too. and it can fit in a variety of decks. Some of these are pretty powerful cards too.
We’ll be able to deploy whatever we don’t play this turn on the following turn The opponent passed with mana up, so they likely have at least one answer, if not multiple. Post-board, the opponent brings out their burn spells and can’t deal with a 6-toughness creature.Both...
Red mages are all about casting spells that deal damage and burn through an opponent before they burn out. You have a lot of tricks up your sleeve to give you an unexpected edge. You appeal most to destruction and fast paced spell-slinging. ...
Whenever one or more cards leave your graveyard, create a 2/2 black Zombie Druid creature token. Creature 505 decks Create new deckAdd to existing deck View all decks Gonti, Night Minister Whenever a player casts a spell they don't own, that player creates a Treasure token. Whenever a ...