There are still ways of mitigating the damage Supreme Verdict can do, either by removing the spell from the stack before it resolves or giving your creatures indestructible in response. But given the limited ways to save the board, Supreme Verdict stands apart from other board wipes. 3 Cyclon...
Killing Wave also gets around hexproof (to an extent), and pressures decks that aren’t overly concerned about board wipes (like BWR Aristocrats). Increasing Ambition is a small piece of tech that offers crucial assistance, such as: grabbing a Thrag to help transform Chalice; grabbing a Mind...
The monuments will always have a place in Commander, as they provide mana fixing and allow themselves to become 4/4 flying creatures until end of turn if needed. This is pretty nice in a format where board wipes are about as common as water. Though they’ll probably never be more than ...
course, Commander, Supreme Verdict is one of thebest board wipesMagic has ever seen. Adding an extra blue to Wrath of God’s mana cost makes it tougher to cast, but in return you get uncounterability: a trait which elevates it above the not-insubstantial competition in the board wipe ...
This is pretty nice in a format where board wipes are about as common as water. Though they’ll probably never be more than $0.25 each, I still expect buy lists will want to grab these every so often to fill Commander demands. Summary Here’s the top five uncommons and commons (by ...