There are still ways of mitigating the damage Supreme Verdict can do, either by removing the spell from the stack before it resolves or giving your creatures indestructible in response. But given the limited ways to save the board, Supreme Verdict stands apart from other board wipes. 3 Cyclon...
Boros Charm can also protect all of your permanents, as it can make them all indestructible until the end of the turn, keeping them safe from board wipes or combat destruction. Boros Charm can also give any creature double strike, ensuring it can win a fight or even swing in for lethal...
Against UW control you have strong cards in maindeck like Chord of Calling and after sideboarding the matchup is very, very good, because of three Juggernaut Peddlers that can take their board wipes, so opponents have a tough time against your Yawgmoth combo with hybrid combo line that is po...
5.0 – I will always play this and build around it. The most powerful cards that warp games and formats or give repeated, powerful advantages. Some will be nigh-unbeatable planeswalkers, efficient board wipes with upside or bombs that are super-difficult to remove (Vivien, Monsters’ Advocate ...
If you’re in some weird Sultai build this can even stay on board while you ditch something tasty to whip back the following turn. Whipping the Profaner back is still pretty ugly. This also has a future in EDH/Commander where you can bounce untold creatures while mining value from ...
The monuments will always have a place in Commander, as they provide mana fixing and allow themselves to become 4/4 flying creatures until end of turn if needed. This is pretty nice in a format where board wipes are about as common as water. Though they’ll probably never be more than ...
-The presence of decks affected by board wipes in your metagame, namely Deed. There is no equivalent to Pernicious Deed against decks that don't use permanents to win (Mind Twist is banned). Nic Fit being green and black at its core only offers limited disruption against combo decks....
course, Commander, Supreme Verdict is one of thebest board wipesMagic has ever seen. Adding an extra blue to Wrath of God’s mana cost makes it tougher to cast, but in return you get uncounterability: a trait which elevates it above the not-insubstantial competition in the board wipe ...