Tribal –Any card that cares about a creature type. Goblins, merfolk, and elves, Lorwyn Block, slivers, wizards, rebels, etc. Usually involve “lords” that grant abilities or extra power and toughness while they are on the battlefield. Combo –Usually three card infinite combos or combos ...
This is a great long-term spec in every scenario that doesn’t include Commander 2016 or 2017 being tribal based with a Slivers deck. Format(s): Legacy/Casual/EDH Verdict: Buy/Hold 5. Jeskai Ascendancy (KTK, Rare): $2.58 to $2.96 (+15%) Jeskai Ascendancy has been a pillar of the ...
I’m a bit surprised that it hasn’t already pushed $250+. Part of the issue is likely that the decks that are most often using Vial are not at the top of the heap in Modern so long as Dredge and Phoenix reign supreme. That being said, if you believe that the Modern meta...
Flame-Wreathed Phoenix is the poster child for the mechanic. Both sides are powerful cards but it is like playing a split card where your opponent gets to pick the half you get. As I have mentioned Red is always a popular and powerful choice when the card pools are at their lowest. ...