Red(R)= 红色 Black(B)= 黑色 Green(G)= 绿色 Land = 地 Creature = 生物 Sorcery = 法术 Instant = 瞬间 Artifact = 神器 Enchantment = 结界 Planeswalker = 鹏洛客 Token = 衍生物 Legendary = 传奇 Deck = 套牌 Spell = 咒语 Permanents = 永久物 Mana = 法术力 Ability = 异能 Counter = 指示...
Ion plating (IP) in options of red or green provides vibrant accents to the bold black base colour. The MTG-B3000B features a monochrome black and grey appearance. Super Illuminator (high-brightness LED light) for maintaining watch readability in the dark ...
Black accented with distinctive and colorful IP Ion plating (IP) in options of red or green provides vibrant accents to the bold black base color. The MTGB3000B features a monochrome black and grey appearance. Solar-powered timekeeping with Bluetooth® and radio control for enhanced accuracy an...
Ion plating (IP) in options of red or green provides vibrant accents to the bold black base color. The MTGB3000B features a monochrome black and grey appearance. Solar-powered timekeeping with Bluetooth® and radio control for enhanced accuracy and reliability ...
MTG Arena Zone is your best Magic: The Gathering Arena information & strategy site, featuring guides, news, meta tier lists, decks, and more.
Ion plating (IP) in options of red or green provides vibrant accents to the bold black base color. The MTGB3000B features a monochrome black and grey appearance. Solar-powered timekeeping with Bluetooth® and radio control for enhanced accuracy and reliability Super Illuminator (high-brightness ...
Void Gorger as its Commander; Enduring Enchantments is a Black/Green/White deck with Anikthea, Hand of Erebos as its Commander; Planeswalker Party is a Blue/Red/White deck with Commodore Guff as its Commander; and Sliver Swarm uses all five colors and features Sliver Gravemother as its Comman...
The Brazen Coalition(Black/Red) – This pirate deck makes great use of plenty of pirate synergies such as Daring Buccaneer, Dire Fleet Captain, Fell Flagship, and so on. The Sun Empire(Red/Green) – There’s nothing special going on here, just some gold old-fashioned face smashing. Consis...
Chromatic Cube Card Lists White (Select for card list) Blue (Select for card list) Black (Select for card list) Red (Select for card list) Green (Select for card list) Multicolor (Select for card list) Colorless (Select for card list) Land (Select for card list) MTG...
Gruul AggroProwess– Red/Green Esper Pixie– Blue/White/Black Dimir Midrange– Blue/Black Domain Overlords– White/Green/Blue/Black Golgari Midrange– Black/Green Azorius Control– White/Blue White Token Control– Mono White Azorius Tempo– Blue/White ...