Red(R)= 红色 Black(B)= 黑色 Green(G)= 绿色 Land = 地 Creature = 生物 Sorcery = 法术 Instant = 瞬间 Artifact = 神器 Enchantment = 结界 Planeswalker = 鹏洛客 Token = 衍生物 Legendary = 传奇 Deck = 套牌 Spell = 咒语 Permanents = 永久物 Mana = 法术力 Ability = 异能 Counter = 指示...
2005Red Herring2023/03/19 Oba• Totally Normal Event Token •1,000 Mastery XP •DeduceCard Style2024/03/19 Golgari Izoni GreenBlack•500 Mastery XP •Coerced to KillCard Style2024/03/18 Murdered•500 Mastery XP •Deadly ComplicationCard Style2024/03/18 ...
将所有牌的各色献分别汇总后,即可得你的限制套牌的颜色比例。五种颜色的简称:白色-White-W蓝色-blUe-U黑色-Black-B红色-Red-R绿色-Green-G 9楼2020-01-07 15:41 回复 EV_Toxic 正式会员 4 限制炸弹指的是限制赛中强力的,逆风能翻,顺风能斩的咒语,例如镇楼图大天使艾维欣,例如撼世妮莎等。这类单...
Ion plating (IP) in options of red or green provides vibrant accents to the bold black base colour. The MTG-B3000B features a monochrome black and grey appearance. Super Illuminator (high-brightness LED light) for maintaining watch readability in the dark ...
Many of the creatures in Green are massive, but high cost. Green has lots of ways to ramp lands onto the board and card draw. Red and Green are very popular right now, but so is Green/Black and Green/White. Black: Death and Undeath. Black isn’t afraid to use your health pool as...
Ion plating (IP) in options of red or green provides vibrant accents to the bold black base color. The MTGB3000B features a monochrome black and grey appearance. Solar-powered timekeeping with Bluetooth® and radio control for enhanced accuracy and reliability ...
The Brazen Coalition(Black/Red) – This pirate deck makes great use of plenty of pirate synergies such as Daring Buccaneer, Dire Fleet Captain, Fell Flagship, and so on. The Sun Empire(Red/Green) – There’s nothing special going on here, just some gold old-fashioned face smashing. Consis...
In contrast, red is an ally to black and green, as the color’s untameability is more closely aligned with their values. Let’s look at each of the colors on the wheel in more detail: Red In MTG, red is the colour of freedom and emotion. Its characters and mechanics are action...
Red/Green (RG):Oil counters MIdrange Green/White (GW):Go-wide Aggro and Toxic Black/Green (BG):Toxic and Reanimation synergies Green/Blue (GU):Stompy Toxic, Proliferate, and ramp Green gives its color pairs tough creatures that dominate the battlefield. There’s a high number of cards tha...
Black accented with distinctive and colorful IP Ion plating (IP) in options of red or green provides vibrant accents to the bold black base color. The MTGB3000B features a monochrome black and grey appearance. Solar-powered timekeeping with Bluetooth® and radio control for enhanced accuracy an...