White(W)= 白色 Blue(U)= 蓝色 Red(R)= 红色 Black(B)= 黑色 Green(G)= 绿色 Land = 地 Creature = 生物 Sorcery = 法术 Instant = 瞬间 Artifact = 神器 Enchantment = 结界 Planeswalker = 鹏洛客 Token = 衍生物 Legendary = 传奇 Deck = 套牌 Spell = 咒语 Permanents = 永久物 Mana = 法术...
MTG Aetherdrift (DFT) Limited Red Card Review, Icky goes all in with the DFT spoiler review Red edition! Icky February 14, 2025 Aetherdrift (DFT) Limited Set Review: Blue AetherdriftLimitedNewsStrategyTier Lists MTG Aetherdrift (DFT) Limited Blue Card Review, Icky goes all in with the DFT...
掀坟套牌“从坟里爬了出来”,提醒我们要重视坟场针对。四色约力昂绿阳(Blue Zenith)在永恒周末之后继续保持着非常优秀的表现 比赛共进行7轮瑞士轮+八强单淘汰,下面是最终的八强排名 非常有趣的八强名单,看到了两套掀坟和一套纯红锁,不过最终都被永恒周末支流赛的亚军——Talisker 操控的四色约力昂绿阳击败 老汉:...
The Brazen Coalition(Black/Red) – This pirate deck makes great use of plenty of pirate synergies such as Daring Buccaneer, Dire Fleet Captain, Fell Flagship, and so on. The Sun Empire(Red/Green) – There’s nothing special going on here, just some gold old-fashioned face smashing. Consis...
Blue rivals the most againstredandgreen. While blue is logical, calculated, slow, and methodical, red is impulsive and reckless, acting on instinct and emotion. Blue believes that this blinds them from the knowledge and improvement they seek. Red is to blue as the right brain is to the lef...
Another idea, you could also use a box the whole size of the wallpaper image to overlay a magic colour themed filter on the whole wallpaper eg use white to lighten, black to darken or red/blue/green to match theme. You could use the first editor feature “text” to add your own tex...
Top EnergyMTGCommanders The most popular set ofMTGcolors to play Energy cards within the Commander format is Temur (Green, Blue, and Red). TheFalloutCommander decks boosted the popularity of Energy within the format through cards likeDr. Madison Li, Liberty Prime, Recharged, and Rex, Cyber Hou...
Gruul AggroProwess– Red/Green Esper Pixie– Blue/White/Black Dimir Midrange– Blue/Black Domain Overlords– White/Green/Blue/Black Golgari Midrange– Black/Green Azorius Control– White/Blue White Token Control– Mono White Azorius Tempo– Blue/White ...
2005Red Herring2023/03/19 Oba• Totally Normal Event Token •1,000 Mastery XP •DeduceCard Style2024/03/19 Golgari Izoni GreenBlack•500 Mastery XP •Coerced to KillCard Style2024/03/18 Murdered•500 Mastery XP •Deadly ComplicationCard Style2024/03/18 ...
The best Green Red Commanders in MTG Grand Warlord Radha Image via MTG Radha’s ability to generate mana whenever she attacks can be very powerful when combined with other cards that let you take multiple combat steps in a turn. If you can attack with Grand Warlord Radha multiple times in ...