Moxfield is a modern mtg deck builder. You can view your Magic decks the way you want: text or images, light mode or dark mode, or sorted by name or price.
Build your Magic The Gathering deck with Archidekt, a modern visual MTG deck builder. Search for cards, analyze your stats and compare prices, all without leaving the editor! Drag and drop your cards in or add them with our text input mode. Import from A
Build your Magic the Gathering deck with Archidekt, a modern visual MTG deck builder. Search for cards, analyze your stats and compare prices, all without leaving the editor! Drag and drop your cards in or add them with our text input mode. Import from A
Change of format: How to build a MTG Commander deck After you’re done, TappedOut will serve up some stats about your deck’s mana curve, mana cost, and rate it on a casual vs. competitive scale. Although nothing visually special, by simply listing the cards in your deck, you can qu...
Breakdown by Deck Tags EDH (18)sanitarium era (17)Commander (11)Control (11)Casual (11)Modern (10)Aggro (10)Tribal (8)Graveyard (8)Mono Blue (8)Competitive (6)Simic (6)Token (6)Fun (6)Tempo (5)Orzhov (4)Mono Green (4)Landfall (4)Mono Red (4)Selesnya (4)Dimir (4)Eldrazi ...
The Commander's Quarters is your go-to source for Magic: The Gathering budget deck techs, strategies, and gameplay content!
Planestrader is a powerful app for MTG deck brewing. Get realtime updates for legality, prices, and suggestions while constructing. Seamlessly find cards with advanced card search, manage your collection and acquire lists while deck building.
This data-driven Magic tool will tell you whether your MTG Commander decks are unique or mainstream, calculating just how hipster of an EDH player you areMatt Bassil Published: Jan 5, 2023 Magic: The Gathering How hipster is your MTG Commander deck? A new app by Magic Data Science lets ...
Grab aDragon Shield Codexof some sort with either theDragon Shield 4-pocket binderor a9-pocket Card Guardian binder. If you need something to store cards for decks you plan to build or playsets you like to have on hand, you might be more inclined to search for anUltra-Pro Deckbuilder....
bloomburrow card list bloomburrow commander & imagine: courageous critters special guests renewal rewards bloomburrow mastery awestruck cygnet buy on mtgproxy $0.75 view card details rating: 1.5/5 nobody is awestruck by a savannah lions these days especially in a world stacked with carrot cake . ...