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Build your Magic the Gathering deck with Archidekt, a modern visual MTG deck builder. Search for cards, analyze your stats and compare prices, all without leaving the editor! Drag and drop your cards in or add them with our text input mode. Import from A
Moxfield is a modern mtg deck builder. You can view your Magic decks the way you want: text or images, light mode or dark mode, or sorted by name or price.
Build your Magic the Gathering deck with Archidekt, a modern visual MTG deck builder. Search for cards, analyze your stats and compare prices, all without leaving the editor! Drag and drop your cards in or add them with our text input mode. Import from A
Breakdown by Deck Tags EDH (20)Control (14)sanitarium era (13)Commander (12)Casual (12)Token (12)Modern (11)Aggro (10)Competitive (9)Tribal (8)Combo (8)Graveyard (6)Fun (6)White (6)Theme (6)Simic (6)Pauper (5)Mono Blue (5)Landfall (5)Golgari (5)Artifact (5)Gruul (5)Life ...
MTG Studio a huge database of all Magic: the Gathering cards ever printed. Organize your collection and build decks in any format.
MTG Studio a huge database of all Magic: the Gathering cards ever printed. Organize your collection and build decks in any format.
MTG Deck Builder by Iristorm Design is a free web app where you can create and manage your decks for the collectible card game Magic: The Gathering. - IristormDesign/mtg-deck-builder
The Ur-Dragon is potentially the most powerful Dragon commander with its ‘eminence’ ability making the rest of your Dragons one generic mana less to cast, even if The Ur-Dragon isn’t on the battlefield. When The Ur-Dragon does eventually hit the board, it turns the rest of your Drago...
MTG Arena Champion Deck: Brawl PlayingMTG February 27, 2025 News Magic Presents: Pride – Chromatic Lantern Promo PlayingMTG February 26, 2025 MTG Arena Standard Pauper Decks & Midweek Magic Event Guide Bohe February 26, 2025 Commander Hashaton, Scarab’s Fist: Eternal Might Commander Deck Guide...