Offensive cards The Commander banlist includes cards that are racially or culturally insensitive. These cards have been banned in all formats, and their images were even removed from Wizards of the Coast’s database in 2020. The seven cards currently included in this ban are: Invoke Prejudice Cl...
Commander is typically a more casual, multiplayer format that is about building a fun and synergistic deck. That being said there is a competitive commander format, cEDH, which is a 1v1 format. In Commander, players will start with 40 life instead of 20. If you take 21 combat damage from...
cedh-decklist-database.com67%83.5K遊戲 > 棋盤和紙牌遊戲#880分析cedh-decklist-database.com對比至 deckstats.net67%611.4K遊戲 > 棋盤和紙牌遊戲#98分析deckstats.net對比至 edhrec.com66%6.6M遊戲 > 棋盤和紙牌遊戲#11分析edhrec.com對比至 ...
分析する cedh-decklist-database.com比較する - cedh-decklist-database.comdeckstats.net67%611.4Kゲーム > ボードゲームとカードゲーム#98分析する deckstats.net比較する - deckstats.netedhrec.com66%6.6Mゲーム > ボードゲームとカードゲーム...