cEDH-Decklist-Database-源码 开发技术 - 其它插翅**难飞 上传158KB 文件格式 zip cEDH清单数据库 竞争性EDH格式中的“魔术:聚会(MTG)”套牌集合。 该站点托管在。 它利用AWS作为表单的后端,而主数据库使用Jekyll进行预渲染,以提高性能并减少后端的负载。 特征 带有Scryfall导入的指挥官和用户提交的信息的甲板...
首先是cedh-decklist 很棒的cedh汇总网站 能看见大部分主流思路的卡组 https://cedh-decklist-database.com/ moxfield 好用的查询/管理套牌的网站 cedh-decklist大部分表也是在moxfield上面的还能在primers看大师解析 支持对墙测试 牌表导出等常见功能 https://www.moxfield.com/ 善用搜索...
View the latest cEDH decklists on the DDB, share posts with the community, follow creators, find cEDH events, discover resources & more.
数据来自于https://cedh-decklist-database.com/ 感谢https://konradhoeffner.github.io/cedh/staples.html的汇总 文中采用Count,Percent,Rank,Identity_rank四个比较关键的指标 可以基本理解为:使用量,使用率,rank,色组内rank 特别致谢 FR,情报等CEDH群中的好哥哥们 移位幼兽 Displacer Kitten Count,Percent,Rank...
CEDH套牌数据库:https://cedh-decklist-database.com/ Moxfield:https://www.moxfield.com/ 优秀的查牌表网站,查阅的时候建议进行Most views/ Most liked排序。 CEDH reddit:https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveEDH/ 组合技大全:https://commanderspellbook.com/ ...
数据来自于https://cedh-decklist-database.com/ 感谢https://konradhoeffner.github.io/cedh/staples.html的汇总 文中采用Count,Percent,Rank,Identity_rank四个比较关键的指标 可以基本理解为:使用量,使用率,rank,色组内rank 特别致谢 FR,情报等CEDH群中的好哥哥们 ...
A quick introduction to the cEDH deck Elsha Top. Decklist & Primer: https://www.moxfield.com/decks/tj910qUf9Uq-Iibp40QfKw Elsha Discord: https://discord.gg/MaqnYmU cEDH Decklist Database: https://cedh-decklist-database.com/ Feel free to come join us
cEDH Decklist Database: https://cedh-decklist-database.com/ Feel free to come join us on Discord https://www.labmaniacs.com/discord Or support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/LabManiacs General info links: https://www.labmaniacs.com https://www.twitch.tv/labmaniacs Tweets by ...
There’s a decent amount of gatekeeping around cEDH. “That’s not cEDH” because it’s not a “database deck” or something like that. To me, if you’re trying to win and you want your opponents to also try to win, that’s cEDH. The only thing that bothers me in cEDH is when...
• Many more features to come such as webcam leagues, card search & deck submissions featuring our own modernized built-in cEDH Decklist Database! We hope to see you soon! Disclaimer: Some artwork and fan-made designs shown on this website or page are unofficial Fan Content permitted unde...