Cards manager for magic the gathering deckmagicdashboardinventorydiscord-botmtgmagic-the-gatheringpricestockcard-gamecollectionsmtg-apimtg-cardscardmarketmkmapimtg-collection-managermtg-arenacards-managerdeck-managercardtrader UpdatedJan 28, 2025 Java ...
Cards manager for magic the gathering deckmagicdashboardinventorydiscord-botmtgmagic-the-gatheringpricestockcard-gamecollectionsmtg-apimtg-cardscardmarketmkmapimtg-collection-managermtg-arenacards-managerdeck-managercardtrader UpdatedSep 18, 2024 Java ...
Dragon Shield – MTG Card Manager makes it easy to check prices for trades, track your Magic the Gathering collection’s value and stats, build decks, instantly translate foreign-language cards and find oracle-text and rulings. The perfect companion app for MTG - Manage your cardboard treasures...
Dragon Shield – MTG Card Manager makes it easy to check prices for trades, track your Magic the Gathering collection’s value and stats, build decks, instantly translate foreign-language cards and find oracle-text and rulings. The perfect companion app for MTG - Manage your cardboard treasures...
–If a card is overpowered on MTGO, it will likely trigger a price spike that can create solid profits prior to any action taken by WOTC to correct the problem. –Be quick – the opportunity to buy into these price spikes arise in the first few days after the release of a new set. ...
"trade them up" when they were at their highest value. So it started with a watchlist, then an inventory tracker, followed by a list manager. EchoMTG (previously Echo Mage) was opened up to a few beta users in Sept 2014. By July 2015 there were 1500 users and it was very exciting!
Of course, nothing’s perfect. As mentioned, the fees aren’t ideal, especially on lower value cards. If the card is $4 or $5 or less, I generally don’t even bother to list it. It’s not that bad if you’re running a large inventory, but until you get to “this is my full...
In the tiny Upshur Street Books in northwest Washington, the casually dressed Obama and his daughters browsed for books with the help of the store manager, Anna Thorn. The post-Thanksgiving book-browsing outing has become an annual tradition for the First Family...
- Add cards directly from Inventory - Export decks to .csv or text document - Get deck statistics (Mana Cost, Card Color, etc.) TRADE - Compare trade value between two players - See who’s winning or losing the trade and by which amount ...
Dragon Shield – MTG Card Manager makes it easy to check prices for trades, track your Magic the Gathering collection’s value and stats, build decks, instantly translate foreign-language cards and find oracle-text and rulings. The perfect companion app for MTG - Manage your cardboard treasures...