I don’t think you need to make a move on this card otherwise, but it would be something I would monitor inventory levels on if Slivers showed up in a new Magic set and gave someone the idea to try and corner the market. Current Price: $30-35 Future Price (12-18 months): $50+...
A good sign to me. The more expensive cards usually reside in the smaller binder. I thumbed through the stack of card he has set aside and did a little math in my head and estimated about $200 in value. I’m not Rain Man, I just make sure to double check the prices of my cards...
Card Kingdom only looks for about 5 to 6 commons from each set. They clearly must have a lot of uncommons in stock that they want to sell or another reason they aren’t actively buying uncommons from players. Looking at the
For years many major TCG shops prided themselves on keeping binders of every set published in stock at any given time. They bought at low buylist rates from folks that came to unload their decks or collections, and restocked the binders with the cards they took in. Very little was done in...
“greed limit” rules. It’s possible that foils near $20 are still a buy however as total inventory is very limited and the card could easily hit $30+ this year if demand is persistent. Being from a small summer set lessens overall inventory here, so performing better than say, ...
heart. I have a fascination with the rare and unique, a trait I imagine I share with most collectors, be they collectors of cardboards, stamps, or bottle caps. And nothing excites a collector like witnessing with his or her own eyes an object so rare it possessed a near-mythical status...
card in the format from Aether Revolt, with over 12,500 decks registered using the card there. Inventory levels for non-foils are quite high, so I don’t have high hopes for that option, but I’m definitely down to pick up some foils near $7 with a plan to out them in under 24 ...