So I'm working on a minimalist attempt at homebrewing for a 5th Edition D&D campaign utilising Plane Shift: Zendikar. The only 3 elements I feel NEED homebrewing are mana, the color pie, and classes. Long story short about the first 2: Spell slots should be replaced by arcane points ...
Unfortunately, the time has long past when you could pop a pile of BFZ basics in your trade binder, and use them as throw-ins or even out a trade by valuing these at $.50-$1. The market has flooded enough over the past year that it’s almost impossible to find a vendor who will...
Duel Decks: Anthology was released back on December 5th and it was very exciting for me from a casual perspective. I love playing one-on-one Magic with my girlfriend and this product looked very appealing to us. What I didn’t know was that the price point was quite high for a product...
etc. She has chiefly edited Medicine and History, Materia Medicaaround the Globe: Trade of Medicine and Production of Knowledge of Health in the Global Market since the 5th Century, and has been appointed as deputy edit...
World Travel Market London, the most influential travel and tourism event in the world, will contribute approximately £200 million to the London economy in just a week's time. Held at Excel London (5th – 7th November) ...
The most recent book for 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons,Monster Manual(2025), isavailable widely now.
Under the Food Safety Modernization Act, all foreign and domestic facilities that manufacture, process, pack or store food, food ingredients, pet foods or dietary supplements are required to renew their registrations with the FDA every even‑numbered year. When registering, foreign food facilities ...
For tokenisation of securities, theSCwill establish guidance early next year to help intermediaries understand the associated risks. In the third initiative it will work closely withKhazanah Nasionalto examine how blockchain technology can improve bond issuance efficiency and operations, and explore adop...
BILOXI, MS – Minor League Baseball announced today that Biloxi Shuckers’ staff members, Craig Thomas and Trey Bowman, have been honored as the Southern League Home Clubhouse Manager of the Year and Head Groundskeeper of the Year. The pair becomes the first Shuckers clubhouse manager and groundsk...
uncommons in the box. Again, if the big-box stores don’t want them then neither do we. Channelfireball states explicitly that they only want gold symbol bulk rares, so feel free to turn away any 5th editionShivan Dragons. I’d rather pay a dime for aNecropolis Fiendany day of the ...