So I'm working on a minimalist attempt at homebrewing for a 5th Edition D&D campaign utilising Plane Shift: Zendikar. The only 3 elements I feel NEED homebrewing are mana, the color pie, and classes. Long story short about the first 2: Spell slots should be replaced by arcane points ...
The most recent book for 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons,Monster Manual(2025), isavailable widely now.
本次竞赛由中山翠亨新区管理委员会主办,并由中山翠亨新区工程项目建设事务中心作为竞赛承办单位,全面负责本次竞赛的具体工作;受竞赛承办单位委托,广州宏达工程顾问集团有限公司为本次竞赛的策划咨询单位,负责本次竞赛的组织策划工作。 This competition is hosted by the...