Calculation of nucleoids distance to the nucleus The distance of a nucleoid to the nucleus was defined as the shortest distance to any edge of the detected nucleus in the 2D image. After colocalization of the color channels only the positions in the DNA channel were used for computing that ...
e, Calculation of IC50 curves for CDDP in MDA-MB-468 cells stably expressing EV or MTS-MBD2c (n = 3 samples). f, qPCR analysis of mtRNA levels in MDA-MB-468 cells expressing EV or MTS-MBD2c treated with 4 μM CDDP for 72 h (n = 3 samples). Immunoblots are ...
An algorithm for fast preranked gene set enrichment analysis using cumulative statistic calculation. Preprint at bioRxiv (2016). Liu, Y. et al. Comparative molecular analysis of gastrointestinal adenocarcinomas. Cancer Cell 33, 721–735.e8 (2018). Article CAS Pub...
After typing 15 autosomal STR loci and the amelogenin length polymorphism, pedigree construction, and likelihood ratio (LR) calculation using reported STR allele frequencies [7] [correcting the 10.2 allele frequency of D18S51 to 0.0 (L Souto, pers. comm.)], no donor pair revealed close ...
As with the bulk sequencing data, for the LHON-edited and SILENT-edited experiments, UMIs showing both the missense and the silent edits on the same molecule were included in the calculation of the missense heteroplasmy and excluded from the silent heteroplasmy. Simple model of heteroplasmy ...
The measurements are transferred to a macro excel spreadsheet that enables automatic calculation of descriptive statistics for that image. This process is completed as a loop for all of the images associated with a particular sample and descriptive statistics are also calculated for the batch of ...
The lower left corner shows the Fourier ring correlation (FRC) calculation for STED + . d The enlarged STED and STED+ results and the fluorescence signal intensity profile corresponding to the white arrow. e A long period time-lapse STED imaging of mitochondria. White dashed boxes indicate...
(Table 1) and 2.5 μL of the input, or the immunoprecipitated with anti-TFAM or without antibody DNA aliquots, respectively, were used. The qPCR reactions were performed via SYBR Green chemistry. The calculation of the relative content of TFAM-bound mtDNA was performed according to the formula...