不好意思MT4:1380版本地址https://github.com/rosasurfer/mt4-mql 把这两个文件下载下来后,替 ......
The MQL Trade Copier EA is a simple and efficient MT4 trade copier. It is a local trade copier EA which can copy trades to one or many slave accounts.
MyMT4Book allows you to analyze trading results by currency pair, trade comment or magic number in just a few seconds
1、MT4自带EA(MA )解析与实战分 析 一、均线穿越交易系统EA 详解 MT4平台自带了一个自动交易的EA指标,那就是MovingAverage,下面详细解释该 系统每条语句的功能说明,以便深入认识EA的编程内核。 //+---+ //|MovingAverage.mq4| //|Copyright?2005,MetaQuotesSoftwareCorp.| //|http://.metaquotes.net/...
根据本EA系统的源代码可以分析出:它使用的策略如下: 1、技术指标:12周期均线系统; 2、滑点数:3个点; 3、开平仓法则:K线上穿均线时,无仓,则开多仓;有空仓时,则平空仓; K线下穿均线时,无仓,则开空仓;有多仓时,则平多仓。 4、图上标识:开多仓时,在图中标示红色箭头;平仓时,则标示白色箭头; 开空仓时...
Channel Scalper EA -mt4 scalping expert advisor for fx traderaPlease contact us here to buy,we can be reach here: websites: http://www.missionforex.com whatsapp: http://www.wasap.my/60179843428 telephone: +60179843428 telegram: https://www.t.me/kl
MT4/MT5 Client Copy Trade Application (Based on ZMQ) tradingzeromqforextradezmqmqlmt4mt5copytrademql-copytrade UpdatedJan 4, 2024 MQL4 MT4 EA for the simple trend reversal strategy dashboardtrading-botmql4metatradermt4zigzagmetatrader-4expertadvisortrendlinemt4-ea ...
we are offering the opportunity for you to have this incredible tool in your automated trading portfolio. SHOGUN RX is a strategy that has a very advanced secret trading algorithm. It is a safe EA that trades using pending orders with a defined Stop Loss, Take Profit and 2 smart Trailing ...
Forex Trade Manager MT4: 欢迎来到 Trade Manager EA——这是一个终极风险管理工具,旨在使交易变得更直观、精准和高效。它不仅仅是一个下单工具,而是一个用于无缝交易计划、仓位管理和风险控制的全面解决方案。不论您是新手交易员、资深交易员,还是需要快速执行的剥头皮