The MQL Trade Copier EA is a simple and efficient MT4 trade copier. It is a local trade copier EA which can copy trades to one or many slave accounts.
这样问问题会让人觉得很不专业,就好比不问多少资金EA有多大回撤一样,这应该有个前提。玩过马丁和网格的外汇交易者都知道,在资金允许的情况下是不会亏钱的,那么在挂马丁和网格之前,就需要了解EA最大加仓(安全边际)是多少,极限(黑天鹅)情况下有多大回撤,根据掌握的数据决定下多少手单这个完全不需要止损嘛。 拿...
Why Choose Local Trade Copier EA MT4/5©? The Local Trade Copier EA MT4/5© offers lightning-fast trade copying with a simple 1-minute setup. It allows you to seamlessly copy trades between multiple MetaTrader terminals on the same Windows computer or Windows VPS at speeds under 0.5 secon...
MT4:1380版本地址 把这两个文件下载下来后,替换到你MT4安装...
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JUVENILLE EMPEROR LIMITEDprovides expert advisors, indicators,utilitiesand signals through theMQL5.complatform. Find your way to financial independence through MT4/5 algorithmic trading! These are highly advanced forex strategies and they offer 100% automated algorithmic trading. ...
To do this click “File” -> “Open Data Folder” -> “MQL4” -> “Libraries” and copy the file to the folder. To finish the installation, restart your MetaTrader 4.Now you can find your free Forex robot installed and ready to trade in the Navigation section of the MetaTrader.How ...
您可以自行设置这个参数,比如111或aaa,默认频道为“ TradeCopy”。 使用一个频道只能有一个喊单EA和一个跟单EA。喊单ea可以在多个发送订单,但是每个跟单EA只能在一个频道里接收订单。 如果只有一个喊单mt4帐号和一个跟单mt4帐号的情况下,Channel参数可以不用修改。
所以EA需要先根据chartEvents[0]="OnRtnTrade"找出其中的成交回调。 EA取得成交回调中的EA报单编号。如果有多个EA同时在不同的图表上运行并报单,本图表的OnChartEvent也会接收到其他图表上的EA产生的成交回调,在第40行eaOrderRef变量已经记录了这次报单的编号,所以成交回调中的EA报单编号等于该变量才是本EA本次报单...