这不足以播种 MT 的 19937 位状态。 使用std::mt19937 gen(rd());gen() (播种 32 位并查看第一个输出)并不能提供良好的输出分布。 7 和 13 永远不能是第一个输出。两粒种子产出 0。十二粒种子产出 1226181350。( 链接) std::random_device 可以,有时是,实现为具有固定种子的简单 PRNG。因此,它可能...
intmain(){ random_devicerd;//将用于获取随机数引擎的种子 mt19937gen(rd());//标准mersenne_twister_引擎,采用rd() //mt19937 gen{random_device{}()}; uniform_int_distribution<int>dis(0,10); for(inti=0;i<10;i++){ intx=dis(gen); 使用“dis”将gen生成的随机无符号int转换为[0,10]中...
#include <random> #include <iostream> int main() { std::random_device rd; //获取随机数种子 std::mt19937 gen(rd()); //Standard mersenne_twister_engine seeded with rd() std::uniform_int_distribution<> dis(0, 9); for (int n = 0; n<20; ++n) std::cout << dis(gen) << ' ...
std::random_device rd; std::mt19937_64 gen(rd()); std::uniform_int_distribution<> dis(nRandMin, nRandMax); //重设种子应该使用这个api:::CryptGenRandom //linux也有相应的高精度随机数 gen.seed(uint32_t(time(NULL))); //开始命中测试 auto nTestCount = nTotalCount; while(nTestCount-- ...
std::random_device rd; std::mt19937 gen{rd()}; This is the compiling call. g++ -O3 -fno-tree-vectorize src/comp.cpp src/common.h src/internal.cpp src/tsc_x86.h src/main.cpp This is the compiler error. src/main.cpp:73:21: error: expected';'at end of declaration ...
rd()returns a singleunsigned int. This has at least 16 bits and probably 32. That's not enough to seed MT's 19937 bits of state. Usingstd::mt19937 gen(rd());gen()(seeding with 32 bits and looking at the first output) doesn't give a good output distribution. 7 and 13 c...
https://www.cnblogs.com/exciting/p/11162855.html #include <random> std::random_device rd; // A function object for generating seeds std::mt19937gen(r #include ios sed i++ html 转载 mob604756ef7d06 2020-08-05 09:37:00 790阅读 ...
//Will be used to obtain a seed for the random number engine