public Draw<std::uniform_real_distribution<double>,std::mt19937_64> { typedefstd::mt19937_64 genny; typedefstd::chrono::system_clock clk; typedefstd::uniform_real_distribution<double> dist; public: DrawUnif() : Draw(dist{0,1}, genny(clk::now().time_since_epoch().count())) {} /...
因此,我需要不同的C++11随机数分布(在我的例子中是正态分布和均匀分布)。std::vector<int> seeds(16); std::minstd_rand seed_rng(101); // random seed for但是,当我尝试将所有这些放在构造函数中时,我不能再使用种子序列的初始化了。我检查了c+ 浏览0提问于2015-01-20得票数 1 回答已采纳 1回答 ...
using namespace std;mt19937_64 rng(chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count());int random(int st, int dr){uniform_int_distribution<mt19937::result_type> gen(st, dr);return gen(rng);}vector<int> lg;struct bit{vector<int> b;void resize(int n){...
TheNand stride parameters determine which strided array elements are accessed at runtime. For example, to access every other value inout, varout=[0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0];mt19937(3,out,2); Note that indexing is relative to the first index. To introduce an offset, usetyped arrayviews. ...
autoseed = std::time(nullptr) ^ std::random_device()(); std::mt19937 rng_mt(seed); This way you don't need to worry about entropy() and you still get a random seed if random_device is able to provide it, otherwise you fall back on time. Just make sure that the seeds are ind...