#include<bits/stdc++.h>usingnamespacestd;mt19937rnd(time(0));intmain(){for(inti=1;i<=10;i++) cout<<rnd()<<" ";return0; } 好文要顶关注我收藏该文微信分享 octal_zhihao 粉丝-8关注 -0 +加关注 0 0 «栈的运用之括号匹配
int Rand(int L, int R) { static mt19937 rnd(time(0)); int res = (int)((1.0 * rnd() / UINT_MAX) * (R - L + 1)) + L; return res; } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
说的直⽩⼀点,我们都知道rand()在windows下⽣成的数据范围为0-32767 但是这个函数的随机范围⼤概在(−maxint,+maxint)(maxint为int类型最⼤值)实例 这个东西⽤法⾮常简单 #include<random> #include<ctime> std::mt19937 rnd(time(0));int main(){ printf("%lld\n",rnd());return 0;...
同理,使用下列代码测试64位版本的伪随机数生成器: copymt19937_64rnd(time(nullptr));voidrandTest(){uint64_tr0 =rnd();uint64_tr1 =rnd();uint64_tr2 =rnd();uint64_tr3 =rnd();D1(r0);//r0 = 16757819831475078962D1(r1);//r1 = 10644585941176734154D1(r2);//r2 = 14550312371103145914D1(r...
int rnd_seed = 19937;#else int rnd_seed = TIME;#endif // LOCAL mt19937 rnd(rnd_seed);int rangeRand(int L, int R) { int res = (int)((1.0 * rnd() / UINT_MAX) * (R - L + 1)) + L;return res;} void rangeRandTest() { map<int, int> M;int n = 2000000, L = 1...
c++利用mt19937 随机生成某一个范围的整数,c++利用mt19937随机生成某一个范围的整数intRand(intL,intR){staticmt19937rnd(time(0));intres=(int)((1.0*rnd()/UINT_MAX)*(R-L+1))+L;returnres;}
The entropy of the Linux kernel device /dev/urandom may be obtained using ioctl RNDGETENTCNT - that's what std::random_device::entropy() in GNU libstdc++ uses as of version 8.1 https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/numeric/random/random_device/entropy ...
mt19937rnd(chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count());//初始化,中间是种子uniform_int_distribution<>range(l, r);//初始化,生成 [l,r] 之间的随机数,<>中是类型,默认是 int,不指定默认是 int 范围。range(rnd)//即可返回一个 [l,r] 之间的随机数。
c++利用mt19937 随机生成某一个范围的整数int Rand(int L, int R) { static mt19937 rnd(time(0)); int res = (int)((1.0 * rnd() / UINT_MAX) * (R - L + 1)) + L; return res;} c++ mysql 原创 Herio 2022-01-21 09:32:43 653阅读 C++...