参考: https://ttys3.dev/post/windows-terminal-msys2-mingw64-setup/安装 Windows Terminal 和 MSYS2MSYS2https://www.msys2.org/本文使用 Zhihu On VSCode 创作并发布
@D:\msys64\msys2_shell.cmd -defterm -ucrt64 -no-start -here 让后将msys.bat所在目录加入到 Windows 的 PATH 环境变量,即可在任意位置输入msys进入 MSYS2 环境 C:\Users\qbit\Desktop>msys qbit@qbit UCRT64 /c/Users/qbit/Desktop $ Windows Terminal 打开Windows Terminal,在profiles.list里面添加以下...
{"acrylicOpacity":0.75,"closeOnExit":false,"colorScheme":"Argonaut","commandline":"msys2.cmd","cursorColor":"#FFFFFF","cursorShape":"bar","fontFace":"Source Code Pro for Powerline","fontSize":10,"guid":"{09dc5eef-6840-4050-ae69-21e55e6a2e63}","historySize":9001,"icon":"ms-ap...
Windows 11 右键菜单做了折叠,手动修改注册表增加的右键菜单项,需要多点击一次“Show more options”项,比较麻烦。 我们可以尝试修改默认菜单中的 Terminal,添加 msys2 并设置为默认。 打开设置 添加新的配置文件,复制命令提示符 修改名称、命令行以及图标 尝试了几个命令,都不是很完美 "D:\\msys64\\usr\\bin\...
Windows Terminal Preview 1.18.1462.0 Windows Terminal version: 1.17.11461.0 probably does this too, but closes the tab instantly after that. Looks like version 1.18.1462.0 changed the default (Automatic) behaviour. I think this could be restored by adding a line with closeOnExit set to always ...
最终笔者使用 MSYS2 环境,Git for Windows 的运行环境就是基于 MSYS2。 MSYS2 安装 安装 前往MSYS2官网下载安装包安装即可,如果遇到Disabled 4 keys. ==> Updating trust database...卡主的情况,断网稍等片刻即可安装成功。 Windows Terminal 配置 Windows Terminal 里加上如下配置即可,guid是随机生成的。
Gradle output is heavily garbled when using Windows Terminal + Git Bashmicrosoft/terminal#7091 Closed Still happening on 6.6. This happens when I open the terminal though the GitHub "Open in Git Bash" option or start Git Bash in general. Inside the MSYS it works just fine!
(可选)配置Windows Terminal终端:(最好加上管理员权限,如采用gsudo) <...>\msys2_shell.cmd-defterm -no-start 给msys2 安装diffutils和m4,不然后续编译会报错: pacman -S diffutils pacman -S m4 安装Rust(到 Windows 系统中即可),参照官网(安装时选2) Customize installation,将默认为x86_64-pc-windows...
It consists of a command line terminal calledmintty, bash, version control systems like git and subversion, tools like tar and awk and even build systems like autotools, all based on a modified version ofCygwin. Despite some of these central parts being based on Cygwin, the main focus of M...
Enter your desiredInstallation Folder(short ASCII-only path on a NTFS volume, no accents, no spaces, no symlinks, no subst or network drives, no FAT). When done, clickFinish. Now MSYS2 is ready for you and a terminal for theUCRT64 environmentwill launch. ...