msys2: TranslateC:\to/c It is intended as a broadly-supported replacement for us checking the source every time the user drops a path. We no longer need to push the source name all the way down to the control. I am hesitant to commit to using other folks' product names in our settin...
Windows_Terminal.png Binary file addedBIN+100 KBDemo/Desktop.png Unable to render rich display Binary file addedBIN+221 KBDemo/Terminal_Design.png Unable to render rich display Binary file addedBIN+140 KBDemo/Toolkit.png Unable to render rich display ...
// "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.enabled": false, // fix slow terminals"": {"MSYS2": {"path":"C:\\msys64\\usr\\bin\\bash.exe","args": ["--login"],"env": {"MSYSTEM":"UCRT64","MSYS2_PATH_TYPE":"inherit","CHERE_INVOKING":"1", } } ...
# pacman in mingw/msys2 is ~broken on windows arm right now - hangs consistently during attempts to install # so we'll use this alternative GCC binary - name: Install llvm-mingw GCC run: | $gcc_url="
The msys package is intended for using the msys2 ecosystem to build msys2 packages, linked to the msys runtime. So yeah, you tried to use a windows native meson, essentially, but have it run an install script in bash with bash coming from the msys runtime. I am no expert on the topi...
I'm running the mingw64 version of cmake within MSYS2 on Windows 10. I get .rsp files referenced in the generated compile_commands.json if I'm using the "Unix Makefiles" generator. Calling cmake with -G"Ninja" -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=1 give compile_commands.json files that ...
project. From an MSYS2 terminal, install the required packages: Expand DownExpand Up@@ -128,7 +135,12 @@ Just remove them to "uninstall" the application. Since the server binary, that will be pushed to the Android device, does not ...
It should also be possible to build with MSYS2 but performance is not so good. As an X-server you can use this one, Build with cmake Latest version of esp-idf recomends menuconfig build As location of partition is different for cmake gcc ...
# in Git Bash from Git for Windows, or any other MSYS2 based shell, you might need to disable path conversion MSYS2_ARG_CONV_EXCL="*" docker run --rm -v "${PWD}":/opt tonsky/firacode:latest ./script/ -f "ss02,ss03,ss04,ss05,ss06,ss07" ``` ### Credits - Author...
\a\rust\rust\build\i686-pc-windows-msvc\stage0-bootstrap-tools\i686-pc-windows-msvc\release\deps;C:\a\rust\rust\build\i686-pc-windows-msvc\stage0\bin;C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7;C:\a\rust\rust\ninja;C:\a\rust\rust\msys2\mingw32\bin;C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\Python\3.12.1\x64...