MSVC(Microsoft Visual C++)工具链是用于开发C++应用程序的综合工具集。它包含了多种工具和组件,帮助开发者编写、编译、调试和优化C++代码。以下是MSVC工具链的一些主要组成部分: 1. 编译器(Compiler): -cl.exe:MSVC的C/C++编译器,负责将源代码编译成目标代码(对象文件)。 2. 链接器(Linker): - link.exe:负责...
MSVC linker options Decorated names Module-definition (.Def) files Linker support for delay-loaded DLLs Other MSVC build tools Compiler and build tools errors XML documentation for C++ Download PDF Save Add to Collections Add to plan Share via ...
MSVC linker options Decorated names Module-definition (.Def) files Linker support for delay-loaded DLLs Other MSVC build tools Compiler and build tools errors XML documentation for C++ Download PDF Save Add to Collections Add to plan Share via ...
LINK.exe 将通用对象文件格式 (COFF) 对象文件和库进行链接,以创建可执行文件 (EXE) 或动态链接库 (DLL)。 下表列出了 LINK.exe 的选项。 有关 LINK 的详细信息,请参阅: 编译器控制的 LINK 选项 LINK 输入文件 LINK 输出 保留字 在命令行上,链接器选项不区分大小写,例如,/base和/BASE的含义相同。 有关...
/NOLOGO (Suppress startup banner) (Linker) /NXCOMPAT (Compatible with Data Execution Prevention) /OPT (Optimizations) /ORDER (Put functions in order) /OUT (Output file name) /PDB (Use program database) /PDBALTPATH (Use alternate PDB path) ...
/NOLOGO (Suppress startup banner) (Linker) /NXCOMPAT (Compatible with Data Execution Prevention) /OPT (Optimizations) /ORDER (Put functions in order) /OUT (Output file name) /PDB (Use program database) /PDBALTPATH (Use alternate PDB path) ...
The linker (link.exe) combines the object files into a single executable file. Linker options can be set inside or outside of Visual Studio. Within Visual Studio, you access linker options by right-clicking on a project node in Solution Explorer and choosing Properties to display the property...
MSVC家族的 linker(LINK.EXE)除了 /NODEFAULTLIB 选项外,还能根据程序运行的环境(MSVC 里叫子系统)...
MSVC家族的 linker(LINK.EXE)除了 /NODEFAULTLIB 选项外,还能根据程序运行的环境(MSVC 里叫子系统)...