/ENTRY (Entry-point symbol) /ERRORREPORT (Report internal linker errors) /EXPORT (Exports a function) /FILEALIGN (Align sections in files) /FIXED (Fixed base address) /FORCE (Force file output) /FUNCTIONPADMIN (Create hotpatchable image) ...
在默认情况下/subsystem 和/entry开关是匹配的,也就是: "console"对应"mainCRTStartup"或者"wmainCRTStartup". "windows"对应"WinMain"或者"wWinMain". 我们可以通过手动修改的方法使他们不匹配。例如: #include "windows.h" #pragma comment( linker, "/subsystem:\"windows\" /entry:\"mainCRTStartup\"" ...
/CLRTHREADATTRIBUTESpecifies the threading attribute to apply to the entry point of your CLR program. /CLRUNMANAGEDCODECHECKSpecifies whether the linker applies theSuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityattribute to linker-generated P/Invoke stubs that call from managed code into native DLLs. ...
/CLRTHREADATTRIBUTESpecifies the threading attribute to apply to the entry point of your CLR program. /CLRUNMANAGEDCODECHECKSpecifies whether the linker applies theSuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityattribute to linker-generated P/Invoke stubs that call from managed code into native DLLs. ...
/CLRTHREADATTRIBUTESpecifies the threading attribute to apply to the entry point of your CLR program. /CLRUNMANAGEDCODECHECKSpecifies whether the linker applies theSuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityattribute to linker-generated P/Invoke stubs that call from managed code into native DLLs. ...
/ENTRY (Entry-point symbol) /ERRORREPORT (Report internal linker errors) /EXPORT (Exports a function) /FILEALIGN (Align sections in files) /FIXED (Fixed base address) /FORCE (Force file output) /FUNCTIONPADMIN (Create hotpatchable image) ...
I get linker error LNK1561: entry point must be defined. For completeness, here's my Makefile. all: build\lib\libds.lib build\lib\libds.lib: build\obj\priority-queue.obj link /OUT:build\bin\libds.lib build\obj\priority-queue.obj build\obj\priority-queue.obj: libs/ds/priority-queue....
此仓库是为了提升国内下载速度的镜像仓库,每日同步一次。 原始仓库:https://github.com/microsoft/STL main 克隆/下载 git config --global user.name userName git config --global user.email userEmail 分支3 标签20 Alex GutenievMakeunique_lockandshared_lockuse s...1f6e5b110天前 ...
The compiler looks for include directories according to the INCLUDE environment variable, and the linker looks for import library directories according to the LIB environment variable, and the Windows loader will (eventually) look for DLL dependencies according to directories in the PATH environment ...
The compiler looks for include directories according to the INCLUDE environment variable, and the linker looks for import library directories according to the LIB environment variable, and the Windows loader will (eventually) look for DLL dependencies according to directories in the PATH environment ...