If you’ve recently found yourself grappling with the frustrating “No Fan Tab” issue in MSI Afterburner, you’re not alone. Users across various forums have reported encountering this problem, particularly after updating their graphics card drivers. This absence of the fan control tab can hinder...
Before we explore the possible uses of MSI Afterburner, let’s briefly look atMSI Kombustor. This is MSI’s stress test tool that is reasonably decent and allows you torun stress tests at various presets(such as 1080p, 1440p, etc.). It’s also excellent for showing you the details of ...
MSI Afterburner is one of the most used graphics card software that is designed to monitor your hardware in real-time, overclock your GPU, set custom fan curves, modify a GPU’s core clock & memory clock speeds, control the GPU’s fan speed, and more. For most gamers who prefer to mo...
MSI微星Afterburner官方显卡监控超频工具4.0.0.4604稳定版For WinXP-32/WinXP-64/Vista-32/Vista-64/Win7-32/Win7-64/Win8-32/Win8-64/Win8.1-32/Win8.1-64(2014年9月5日发布)Afterburner是微星开发的一款显卡超频工具,支持微星旗下的AMD和NVIDIA全系列显卡。该工具集超频、监控和风扇控制与一身,通过简单的...
If the overlay is not working or it simply not showing during gameplay, then you have to perform little tweaks: Run the Afterburner utility, and click on thegear iconto open itssettings. Click on theMonitoringtab, then checkmark the metric you want this tool to display. ...
msiafterburner吧 关注: 79 贴子: 284 目录: 软件及互联网产品 看贴 图片 吧主推荐 全部 皇冠身份 发贴红色标题 显示红名 签到六倍经验 兑换本吧会员 赠送补签卡1张,获得[经验书购买权] 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 本吧信息 查看详情>> 申请本吧吧主 会员: 会员 目录:...
msiafterburner吧 关注: 79 贴子: 284 目录: 软件及互联网产品 看贴 图片 吧主推荐 全部 皇冠身份 发贴红色标题 显示红名 签到六倍经验 兑换本吧会员 赠送补签卡1张,获得[经验书购买权] 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 本吧信息 查看详情>> 申请本吧吧主 会员: 会员 目录:...
本吧热帖: 1-msi afterburner无法改回显卡频率 2-A卡驱动管理升级22.4.2后无风扇控制了 3-微星小飞机录制视频时,重叠。怎么处理。给位大佬。 4-最新版是哪个了? 5-这种帧率曲线图要怎么调出来? 6-大佬,这些参数什么概念,求助求助 7-为什么换不了颜色 8-带佬们,怎么办嘛
本吧热帖: 1-msi afterburner无法改回显卡频率 2-A卡驱动管理升级22.4.2后无风扇控制了 3-微星小飞机录制视频时,重叠。怎么处理。给位大佬。 4-最新版是哪个了? 5-这种帧率曲线图要怎么调出来? 6-大佬,这些参数什么概念,求助求助 7-为什么换不了颜色 8-带佬们,怎么办嘛
MSI Afterburner doesn’t depend on this extra tool to work normally, so you can refuse the offer if you’re not interested, in order to make a clean setup. Also, if you don’t have the latest DirectX version, the system will install it automatically, so you don’t need to worry abo...