同样发现AFTERBURNER无法设置风扇停止,设定里自动风扇控制下面有个OVERRIDE ZERO FAN SPEED WITH HARDWARE CURVE选项勾选可以暂时把风扇转速归零,但是不知道什么时候风扇又会自己转起来,我用FAN CONTROL倒是可以做到设置风扇策略把显卡风扇做到低温停止,但是貌似会被AFTERBURNER抢控制权,而且我也没有看到AFTERBURNER哪里有...
Hello, I sometimes have a problem with MSI Afterburner where the manual and custom fan curve of my GPU don't want to work for some seemingly inexplicable reason and I can't figure out how to solve this problem. GPU: MSI RTX 2080TI Gaming X Trio Motherboa
https://www.tenforums.com/pc-custom...-latest-msi-afterburner-betas-updates-64.html its saved onto the card it seems It would take a way to reverse the settings, I am not sure if it exists yet as its still a beta feature. Sounds like it needs a way to save the defaults before...
MSI Afterburner is the world’s most recognized and widely used graphics card overclocking utility which gives you full control of your graphics cards. It also provides an incredibly detailed overview of your hardware and comes with some additional features such as customizing fan profiles, bench...
aMSI's own "Afterburner" software is currently the most powerful graphics card overclocking software available. Aside from the basic frequency adjustment and system monitor, this software allows the user to adjust the voltage for the GPU. This important feature saves all the hassle of having to ...
Once this is done, you can apply the settings in Afterburner. We alsorecommend saving them in a distinct profileso you can easily switch between the two modes. Although overclocking isn’t the sole use of MSI Afterburner, it’s certainly the greatest. Due to how straightforward it is to ...
MSI微星Afterburner官方显卡监控超频工具4.0.0.4604稳定版For WinXP-32/WinXP-64/Vista-32/Vista-64/Win7-32/Win7-64/Win8-32/Win8-64/Win8.1-32/Win8.1-64(2014年9月5日发布)Afterburner是微星开发的一款显卡超频工具,支持微星旗下的AMD和NVIDIA全系列显卡。该工具集超频、监控和风扇控制与一身,通过简单的...
Manually Change Fan Speed Settings Troubleshoot MSI Afterburner in Clean Boot Mode Reinstall MSI Afterburner Use an Alternate tool to change fan speed Now let us see these in detail. 1] Enable Fan Control Before getting started with different troubleshooting methods, check if the fan control serv...
no matter what i do, i can not change the fan speed of my gpu, AND my cstom fan curves are not working.. my gpu will get up to high 80's and my fans will be at 15%. when i manually pull the slider to 100% and click apply, the fans will spin up for about half a secon...
Check Compatibility:Verify if the specific GPU model is known to have issues with MSI Afterburner. It might be worthwhile to explorealternative software solutions for fan control. BIOS or VBIOS Update:Ensure that your GPU’s BIOS or VBIOS supports the modification of fan settings through MSI Af...