This post features solutions to help you if theMSI Afterburner Fan Speed Control is not working. MSI, or Micro-Star International, is the world leader and most trusted name in gaming PCs. It offers a utility software namedMSI Afterburnerwith its devices that allows users to monitor and overc...
Hello, I sometimes have a problem with MSI Afterburner where the manual and custom fan curve of my GPU don't want to work for some seemingly inexplicable reason and I can't figure out how to solve this problem. GPU: MSI RTX 2080TI Gaming X Trio Motherboa
MSI Afterburner Not Working Windows 10/11 MSI Afterburner is one of the most used graphics card software that is designed to monitor your hardware in real-time, overclock your GPU, set custom fan curves, modify a GPU’s core clock & memory clock speeds, control the GPU’s fan speed, an...
After making the changes, navigate to theExittab, and click onExit & Save Changes. If you have both the external and integrated graphics card enabled, there are chances of MSI Afterburner not working in Windows 11. In which case, it’s best that you disable the integrated graphics card. ...
Now, launch your MSI Afterburner to see whether or not it’s working properly –Activate Hardware Modification The ctrl and F buttons serve as a shortcut for accessing your fan speed control window. However, if yourGPU is designed with fans and this shortcut doesn’t work, then your MSI ...
Never overclocked before and need help/MSI afterburner not working? Gtx 960m 770 Views Moiceter21 Level 7 04-14-2016 10:12 AM - last edited on 03-06-2024 02:27 AM by ROGBot Hey everyone, I has an Asus ROG gl551jw-ds71 laptop.When I open MSI the...
同样发现AFTERBURNER无法设置风扇停止,设定里自动风扇控制下面有个OVERRIDE ZERO FAN SPEED WITH HARDWARE CURVE选项勾选可以暂时把风扇转速归零,但是不知道什么时候风扇又会自己转起来,我用FAN CONTROL倒是可以做到设置风扇策略把显卡风扇做到低温停止,但是貌似会被AFTERBURNER抢控制权,而且我也没有看到AFTERBURNER哪里有...
Added "Use firmware control mode" option to software automatic fan control module. This option allows customizing fan curve at GPU firmware level instead of doing it entirely in software, so it doesn't require keeping MSI Afterburner loaded in memory in order to get custom fan curve working...
由于此限制,当使用默认AMD自动风扇控制时,MSI Afterburner报告风扇速度为最大RPM的百分比而不是实际风扇...
The primary reason MSI Afterburner fan speed control may not work could be that the feature itself is disabled. Other causes include the laptop not supporting fan speed control, the software not being compatible with the GPU, an issue with the system drivers, or changing the fan speed control...