In this case the file contains only the text "config entries here," but it could contain values for the appSettings node as well as other content. Also, the FileWrites list is appended to, so the settings.config file will be removed when a cleanup is executed....
--Task parameters default values, this can be overridden--><PropertyGroup><RootFolderCondition="'$(RootFolder)' == ''">$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)</RootFolder><SettingClassCondition="'$(SettingClass)' == ''">MySetting</SettingClass><SettingNamespaceCondition="'$(SettingNamespace)' == ''"...
Configurations are represented in MSBuild projects by properties grouped in aPropertyGroupelement that contains aConditionattribute. Visual Studio looks at these conditions in order to create a list of project configurations and platforms to display. To successfully extract this list, the condit...
The NodeName.traversal.targets file contains the targets that are used to build the projects. Finally, the dirs.proj file maintains a list of projects (in the ProjectFiles item) that need to be built for that subtree. The NodeName.setting and NodeName.traversal.targets files will always ...
override the destination name of every matched file. This is applied before flattening, and so will preserve the relative path in whatever form is specified byflatten. To bypass this additional processing and use the name as an MSBuild literal, wrap it in aConditionalValuewith no condition: ...
Contains a set of tasks for MSBuild to execute sequentially. <Project> <Target> Syntax XML复制 <TargetName="Target Name"Inputs="Inputs"Outputs="Outputs"Returns="Returns"KeepDuplicateOutputs="true/false"BeforeTargets="Targets"AfterTargets="Targets"DependsOnTargets="DependentTarget"Conditi...
For example, you can transform an item type CppFiles that has items that represent .cpp files into a corresponding list of .obj files by using the expression @(CppFiles -> '%(Filename).obj'). The following code creates a CultureResource item type that contains copies of all Embedded...
RuntimeIdentifierscan be set per-TargetFrameworkusing a condition on the property. This lets you have multiple TFM's, but only some of which have RID's. You will likely need to create reference assemblies to simplify development and consumption of your libraries with complex flavor (TargetFramework...
Many properties like Configuration are defined conditionally, that is, the Condition attribute appears in the property element. Conditional properties are defined or redefined only if the condition evaluates to "true". Note that undefined properties are given the default value of an empty string. For...
<Task Parameter1="Value1"... ParameterN="ValueN" ContinueOnError="WarnAndContinue/true/ErrorAndContinue/ErrorAndStop/false" Condition="'String A' == 'String B'" > <Output... /> </Task> Attributes and ElementsThe following sections describe attributes, child elements, and parent elements....